Originally published at: Hark! The tenor crumhorn | Boing Boing
I recall looking through a catalog of old fashioned musical instruments and seeing one described as “The predecessor to the modern crumhorn.”
A kazoo?
Loves me some crumhorn in the morning.
Sounds like a Kazoo
That’s a very tootin’ horn.
Obviously the answer to what fairy farts sound like:
Balloon animal torture.
I prefer the original Klingon name for it. Krummhorn, I think?
I think a kazoo would sound exactly like a crumhorn if the kazoo played into a ‘volume’, such as a small box.
Meh. those irritating little crumhorns are trumpets. Would have been funnier if they had used the actual crumhorn sound, because those have the funniest sound ever, as demonstrated by the original post.
Always when a sketch does this (have the wrong instrument sound for what is shown) I’m immediately distracted too much to like the joke.
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