Harris Campaign News

Hmnn…was that humor? Here’s what I see on mediabias:

  • Overall, we rate DNyuz right-center biased and Questionable due to blatant plagiarism, the use of poor sources, and a complete lack of transparency.

All I can tell you is that they reprint NYT reports, the purpose of my post.


I’m curious to see how news outlets cover Kamala Harris’ economic plan details:

I’m hoping we’ll see more coverage on her plans to ease the housing crisis, too. We need pols with ambitious strategies to counter attempts by billionaires to increase poverty, homelessness, and imprisonment:


Tonight on MSNBC.


More on Nerds for Harris:


It’s great that the Harris campaign is doing so well in their fundraising, but since her campaign committee already has raised roughly 4X as much as Trump’s last month I hope she’s not missing too many opportunities to campaign in the swing states by attending the fundraisers in safe states like NY. Time is running short!


Good news for Harris is always bad news for Harris.


You’re right, I’m probably being overly worried here about something that’s almost unambiguously good news. I guess I’m just curious to know when on a campaign’s calendar is the best time to move away from fundraising and switch to full-time campaigning. Guess we’re not there yet.


Have you checked the campaign stops?

Money raising never ends. And the other side has huge dark money that doesn’t get reported on fec reports.

And fundraisers aren’t just for the money- the events motivate voters. Like the online geek’s fundraiser last night.

And they did several bus events in Pennsylvania this month.


I’d love to see this quantified, but I would think that if you have given hard earned cash to a candidate, you are much more likely to get to the polls to vote for them. But I can’t prove that. My hope is that with her fundraising out the wazoo, she is sharing the largesse with some down ticket house and senate candidates she will need to actually govern.


Harris campaign, DNC, announce unprecedented down-ballot spending

Harris and the DNC are shipping $20 million to committees supporting House and Senate candidates.



Harris’ campaign shares $24.5M with down-ballot Democratic races


Harris promises tax breaks, investments for U.S. manufacturers



I can’t imagine JD Vance trying to have a fun moment like this.


I’ve been getting weekly fundraising letters from Trump’s campaign (because of where I live). They’ve gotten less Trumpy and more written-by-a-grownup each time, although there are still the extreme adjectives and schoolyard insults. But today’s really made us notice something: every complaint is about “the Harris-Biden Administration”, written in such a way that it seems that the original would have just complained about Biden and now they’ve had to touch up the wording to mention Harris, but we’re all quite sure that if it were still Biden, Harris wouldn’t have been mentioned at all.

And there’s NO mention whatsoever of Walz. None. At all. They don’t want to remind people that Walz is on the ticket.

They’re scared of him. He’s the real deal, and there’s no way to hide it. So they have to pretend he doesn’t exist.


:thinking: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, today, Harris laid out her three-pillar plan for an “opportunity economy.” She explained that she would lower costs by cutting taxes for the middle class, cutting the red tape that stops housing construction, take on corporate landlords who are hiking rental prices, work with builders and developers to construct 3 million new homes and rentals, and help first-time homebuyers with $25,000 down payment assistance. She also promised to enact a federal ban on corporate price gouging on groceries and to cap prescription drug prices by negotiating with pharmaceutical companies.

Harris said she plans to invest in innovation by raising the deduction for startup businesses from its current $5,000 to $50,000 and providing low- or no-interest loans to small businesses that want to expand. Her goal is to open the way for 25 million new small businesses in her first four years, noting that small businesses create nearly 50% of private sector jobs in the U.S.

Harris plans to create manufacturing jobs of the future by investing in biomanufacturing and aerospace, remaining “dominant in AI, quantum computing, blockchain, and other emerging technologies, and expand[ing] our lead in clean energy innovation and manufacturing.” She vowed to see that the next generation of breakthroughs—“from advanced batteries to geothermal to advanced nuclear—are not just invented, but built here in America by American workers.” Investing in these industries means strengthening factory towns, retooling existing factories, hiring locally, and working with unions. She vowed to make jobs available for skilled workers without college degrees and to cut red tape to reform permitting for innovation.

“I am a capitalist,” she said. “I believe in free and fair markets. I believe in consistent and transparent rules of the road to create a stable business environment. And I know the power of American innovation.” She said she would be pragmatic in her approach to the economy, seeking practical solutions to problems and taking good ideas from wherever they come.

“Kamala Harris, Reagan Democrat!” conservative pundit Bill Kristol posted on social media after her speech.



Bill Kristol is famously wrong on everything that tumbles out of his mouth. Reagan never lifted a finger to keep jobs in America. The mass exodus of American manufacturing occurred on his watch and with his blessing.


But this only goes so far and works for so long… Which is why empires eventually fall.


If you are a Republican (shudder) that would be a great endorsement. Just your friendly reminder that, although some less crazy Republicans may join with us to rescue democracy from the Flatulent Fuehrer, they are not our friends. They are allies of convenience until after November. Nothing more, and will happily stab us in the back the next day. I do hope we may someday return to disagreeing over policy instead of disagreeing over whether certain individuals qualify as humans with actual human rights. But that day is not today.

Factio Republicana Delenda Est!!

(I think that’s right?)


The campaign has been in Michigan multiple times already, just two days ago, even. Plus Jane freakin’ Fonda canvasing in Ann Arbor!