Hate site KiwiFarms given the boot by web services provider Cloudflare


Treating Nazis with extreme prejudice is a cultural tradition among my people.
It’s not hate, it’s heritage!


As a trans person this makes me weep with joy!!

Here’s the link for all the people whose very existence is threatened by powers to be withholding the information: https://diyhrt.wiki/

If doctors don’t want to help us, we will ourselves.


Today’s Toronto Star:


Clutch your pearls over gray area topics, if you like.

There is no gray zone about a site devoted to the murder of trans people. The other one which I will also not name is actual literal Nazis. If you can’t draw a hard line there, you are enabling them.

Remember, after we’re all dead, the Nazis are coming for you next.


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Not sure why some people are having a hard time with this point. It’s not hard. Genocide is not a reasonable part of the political debate… it’s just not. We know what they want to do, because they say it.

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Cloudflare also apparently has an internal policy of donating 100% of the rates they charge some hate groups for their services to groups that said groups target, in order to somehow justify it morally. I take exception to this, and it’s two-faced, and they should never have taken the money to begin with. There’s a blip alluding to this in an earlier blog post about their abuse policies:

"We do, however, believe that in cases where our values are diametrically opposed to a paying customer that we should take further steps to not only not profit from the customer, but to use any proceeds to further our companies’ values and oppose theirs.

For instance, when a site that opposed LGBTQ+ rights signed up for a paid version of DDoS mitigation service we worked with our Proudflare employee resource group to identify an organization that supported LGBTQ+ rights and donate 100 percent of the fees for our services to them. We don’t and won’t talk about these efforts publicly because we don’t do them for marketing purposes; we do them because they are aligned with what we believe is morally correct."
(From This link)


Also known as Cis-het White Male Privilege.

Enjoy it; the rest of us who are marginalized and imperiled have no such luxury.


Hell yes
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No. You are just not facilitating it. As is your right under your freedom of expression.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to force others to listen, or to compel them to broadcast your message for you.

ETA: also, fuck Nazis, racists, misogynists, homophobes and transphobes.


Nor does it or should it cover speech that actively promotes acts of genocide…


“They’re advocating murder.
Do I have the right to say that is wrong?”

What the FUCK is wrong with people that take that stance?


Seth Meyers Idk GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

I think it’s one part of the mindset that “it can’t happen here”… but it can. I often think about Laibach playing in Belgrade in 1989, when Milosevic was going around giving all those hyper-nationalistic speeches, and how they nailed precisely what he was doing… But, it was just some underground band, so why pay attention to what they have to say.

And then the one place that everyone thought could whether the bumps of the collapse of the Eastern Bloc (not being a part of it) had the absolute worst implosion… But everyone thought “it can’t happen here” and Laibach was trying to show people, “YES, it very much CAN happen here”…


Worth noting, ON kiwifarms, they’ve advocated DDOSing other people and used their site as a base of operations for that. When Cloudflare has had that brought up to them, they routinely have come back with “Well, we prefer to let legal options be used for illegal activities.” They do this while knowing full well that legal options have not worked with Kiwifarms because Kiwifarms simply ignores the law. CF has even had the temerity to condone the DDOSing that KF does while offering KF’s DDOS’d victims THEIR OWN SERVICE FOR SALE to mitigate the DDOSing organized on their site.

They’re repugnant and they’re complicit in crimes at this point.


I’m a furry, and while Kiwifarms has a hard on for trans people, calling them slurs all over, they ALSO have a slightly smaller but still signfiicantly murdery hard on for furries. So… fuck self doubt and normalcy privlege that lets people have it. Cloudflare is complicit and responsible for every one of the murders Kiwifarms helped organize and seeing them decide to stop being the baddies is good.


I applaud then for (finally) doing the right thing, but it’s a slow, slow clap.


The “movement” that represent are going to come for any group that does not conform to what they deem “normal”… So yeah, they’ll absolutely come for furries among other groups.

We have to stand up to them or we’re all fucked. And it’s depressing how some people can’t seem to grasp that.


“Fascism is the strategic adversary” — Michel Foucault.

(It was you who introduced me to that quote, so apologies for repeating it back at you years later. But I think it bears amplifying.)


michel foucault philosophy GIF

Always bring Foucault into the conversation!