Originally published at: HBO developing another "Game of Thrones" spinoff, this time about Jon Snow | Boing Boing
Just like the last spinoff; NOT interested.
If only they’d taken the money from these two spin-offs and used to re-make the Season 6, 7, and 8; but do them properly this time.
And David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, if you suspect that the fans have correctly guessed the direction the story is taking, reward them for paying attention; don’t carry out a hurried rewrite, that abandons characterization and plot points, in the hope of pulling off a “gottcha”.
“Have you ever considered piracy? You’d make a wonderful Dread Pirate Roberts.”
Plus she could look JUST LIKE the old one!
If it’s followed by the new gameshow sensation, “Stannis Baratheon’s Grammar Bowl”, I’m in.
Really, though, Benioff, Weiss, and Martin burned so much goodwill with me during that last season that I doubt I’ll be returning to Westeros in any medium.
I think the stench of the last three seasons is going to linger in the spin-offs.
Even just Season 8 done right would work. Heck, re-do everything after the final fight with the Night King’s Army and it could have been saved.
And redo the contrast levels on the fight with the Night King’s Army. The first major onscreen battle fought in Glaucomavision!
Have a character wake up from a bad dream, and redo season 8?
Jon Snow?!
what does that guy know?
The Dunk and Egg novellas are phenomenal.
I dunno… I’ll probably watch it… I love the world building in the series, generally speaking, and I’d love to see how Jon fares as King beyond the wall. If they get a good show runner who understands fantasy and consults with GRRM on where he thinks things will go in the wake of the end of the GOT series, could be worth the time.
Honestly thought the “I’m going to sail off into the west to explore unknown lands now” was just as much out of left field as anything else that happened in the final season. Neither the book nor the TV show versions of Arya so much as hinted at any ambition to become a seafaring explorer or take on a command of any kind. It would be like Sam suddenly announcing he was going to go live his dream of becoming a cowboy.
To be fair, though, in the books she’s still in Essos.
There’s always a chance that GRRM could still add a story arc in the books that helps explain her character’s ultimate destiny, but if we’re going with that theory then we could say the same about any of the other batshit things that went down in those final episodes.