Healthcare PSAs and BSAs

Had to fill out a medical form for this trip I’m on, which made me have to find my vaccination record: haven’t had a tetanus shot since 2010. Yikes! Now I have even more reason to do it.


“With the first case in Michigan, eye symptoms occurred after a direct splash of infected milk to the eye,” Bagdasarian said. “With this [new] case, respiratory symptoms occurred after direct exposure to an infected cow. Neither individual was wearing full personal protective equipment (PPE).” Bagdasarian added that the state has “not seen signs of sustained human-to-human transmission, and the current health risk to the general public remains low.”

Not panic-inducing or anything, but not particularly good news…

(ETA: On further examination, this is a Beth Mole article, lacking in any puns or nerd humor. My concern just clicked up a few notches.)


This is a big deal, and with the increasing incidence, especially among young people, the impacr has very real potential to be huge. Of course, as always, awaiting larger trial and clinical experience, but very encouraging.


I imagine it depends on the specific type of cancer and ones personal genetics.


Alright, this is a seriously deep-in-the-weeds explanation of a pretty basic function. As a medical nerd, I found it fascinating, but also distressing as I age and wonder if this is my fate…
(Also gives me more sympathy for my wife as she hits the afterburners getting to our bathroom!)


‘Do not let your friends urinate on you’: Medical advice on how to treat a jellyfish sting

That advice isn’t situation specific. In my book.


Nobody panic, but bird flu is showing up in house mice.

Got a cat? No? Time to get a cat… a real cat, not a fluffy inbred token of wealth, a stray from the shelter, a beast wired to kill to survive.


Crap. You want Black Plague? Because this is how you get Black Plague.


Text Street GIF


Well, this sucks. I had high hopes for this therapy. And it might still be valid, but:

A few researchers who offered public comment noted that the psychotherapy technique used along with MDMA is not evidence-based. They also claimed that the touch-based psychotherapy technique that Lykos used for the trial ties to dubious cult-like new-age psychospiritual therapy, which, among other things, intends to bring about a “global spiritualized society” and suggests suicidal ideation stems from suffering that occurred in the birth canal. This therapy has the potential to allow for abuse and exploitation, the researchers claimed in their public comment. At least one participant in the trial has accused a therapist involved with the trial of sexual assault during the trial’s therapy sessions.

The FDA and the experts also called out a plethora of missing data. Lykos did not collect laboratory data on the biological effects of MDMA in the participants. In response to this point, the FDA stunningly admitted in the meeting that it had overlooked the fact that the company didn’t plan on collecting that data while it was designing the trial. Lykos also did not collect enough data on the known cardiovascular effects of MDMA, which could pose significant risks to patients with high blood pressure and heart arrhythmias. Last, the trial did not collect data on the positive effects of MDMA, such as the feeling of “euphoria,” which could indicate abuse potential. This was something the FDA had specifically advised Lykos to collect prior to conducting the trials.

Bizarre study errors, weird therapy choices, unreliable results. I just hope this does not scare researchers off of this path. Just gotta design a better study. And from this review, I would say that should not be hard to do.


At an Occupational Therapy centre, I saw these two books on the waiting room bookshelf:



I have recommended those books to parents! They are light-hearted, but get the point across.


A new sexually transmitted fungal disease. We’re starting to live in the worst scifi future possible.


In an April 2024 survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) of the University of Pennsylvania, 24 percent of US adults denied or disputed that the CDC ever said that. Specifically, the survey asked them to assess the accuracy of the statement that the CDC has said there is no evidence linking vaccines to autism. Six percent called the statement “very inaccurate,” and 18 percent said it was “somewhat inaccurate.” An additional 3 percent responded that they were “not sure.” Of the remaining 73 percent, only 41 percent considered it “very accurate,” and 32 percent said it was “somewhat accurate.”

What this commentary leaves out is the fact that the very nature of vaccine resistance has changed. It used to be very much a wellness-type thing, crunchy left wing back-to-nature types, who could be convinced to get at least high priority vaccines usually. (DTaP, HIB, MMR in my area, at the time) It has shifted to a marker of political identity for way too many folks, and the folks who refuse vaccinations are far more likely to have Nazi tattoos and MAGA hats than dreads and kaftans. These folks are wedded to the identity concept and will not be moved. I have pretty much given up on trying after being threatened a few times. Kinda sucks, not gonna lie.


The recalled cucumbers were shipped in bulk cartons from May 17 to 21, directly to retail distribution centers, wholesalers and food service distributors in 14 states, including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia.
The agency’s epidemiologic data and testing showed the outbreak strain of Salmonella Africana has been reported in 25 states and the District of Columbia.

Also, revisiting an old topic:

Anyone can get or spread mpox regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, but the U.S. outbreak began spreading primarily among gay or bisexual men and has continued to do so at low levels.