Hedge fund manager buys drug company, raises price of pill from $13.50 to $750

Probably. There are companies that do that.

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Well I’m lucky no one accepted my bet, then. I certainly didn’t mean it to not be cynical.


Checkmate, libertarians. This is the market you wanted. I hope you’re happy. Just be sure not to catch toxo.

Also, not that it needs to be said, but Martin Shkreli is a human turd. I can smell him from here.


It’s a little bit more complicated I think/fear. This is what I found:

  • GlaxoSmithKline own the US trademark (source: USPTO)
  • Amedra Pharmaceuticals is the original packager for Daraprim in the US (source: NIH)
  • Turing Pharmaceuticals is responsible for everything related to approval and reviews like newly found side effect (source: FDA)

I didn’t found clear informations about the producer, I think candidates for the US market are GSK and Amedra

– eta
in Germany it’s easier: trademark GSK (source DPMA), applicant and manufactuer GSK (source BMG) : )

so that you can be more reasonably assured that it is the same drug, of reasonably similar quality. Do you trust everyone who might want to make a drug to be honest about it? I don’t.

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Yeah, this is what I don’t understand. Why do some people think that EVERY problem can be solved by throwing “the Free Market” and “Capitalism” at it? Not every screw is a nail.


Indian generic drug manufacturers to the rescue: http://www.drugsupdate.com/brand/showavailablebrands/643

Although if those stinking turds masquerading as Free Trade Agreements that the USA is peddling around the world get signed, the rest of us will risk being sued under ISDR clauses if we switch to them … :frowning:


Ahh, of course! Smaller government means fewer people at the FDA to oversee such nonsense right? So they’ll have to work faster!!! :wink:

A sociopath like this guy would have it custom slaughtered and served as sashimi served on & and by naked teenagers at a dinner party held for his fellow douchebags.

It’s like he’s really just asking “How much is your life worth?”

Typically when someone is asking you that, they have a gun in their hand.


I’m sure he did buy tweets. However…I was discussing this guy at a cafe/pub in my neighborhood with a friend the other day. A couple of millennials who I understand attend the University of Oregon business grad school very rudely (quite nasty) butted in our conversation and told us we have no right to criticize him because he is wealthier than us. Pretty much in those words LOL.

We said whatever, tried to ignore them, but one of them yelled ‘shut the fuck up’, then they left after we laughed and sneered at them. Ohhhh the butt-hurt. Behavior & opinions like this seem to be waaay more common among members of this generation - especially ones in certain fields of study. But the lack of perspective of self & others seems to be way too common whatever their politics & social views.


profiteering piece of shit.


And that $2 per pill is probably about a 1000% profit.

APM’s Marketplace radio show gave a one-sentence statement that as of late this afternoon (Boston time, presumably, since that’s where the show is made I think), Turing had returned the patent to whomever they got it from.

ETA - I wonder if maybe they were confusing Turing and Rodelis.

The price you see at a UK pharmacy is the NHS subsidized price, not the price paid to GSK.

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Well, we can blame the entrepreneurs who buy up a drug and sell it for whatever they want… or we can blame our own selves for 50 years’ worth of electing congresscritters who fail to nationalize drug production, or at the very least put all pricing under a Federal review board which can both set prices and force manufacturers to either produce or hand the goods over to the NIH.


I don’t understand how this works on several levels: 1) shouldn’t drug companies be required do disclose all information necessary to make generics as part of a patent application? Like if they don’t do that, their patent was invalid? Even beyond the patent application, the FDA should be requiring this level of documentation as a condition of approval and continued license to distribute. 2) how can they stop this? If they have an FDA approved drug that they are selling on the market, how can they keep competitors who are legally allowed to buy it from doing so? That doesn’t sound legal either.

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You’re much politer than me, clearly. Actually, I don’t think that kind of intrusion into a conversation would go down well in most pubs here. I’m politer than most folk in them. How did you not punch them? No, really.


You’ve got that last part all wrong. It is NOT a free market failure. It is precisely how the free market will work if you leave it alone. So it is really a free market win.


Hey GilbertWham - thanks for the compliment.

Well G., - it’s not a bar - it’s an all ages corner store that has evolved into a nice gathering place for all ages & economic/educational strata. Homeless people eve - it’s cool to see an MD, cop, retiree & a road-dog discussing football. It still sells milk, eggs &whatnot - but it is also an amazing wine-store, plus their bottle fee for consuming the beer & wine you buy on-premises is a quarter to 50 cents - half the time they don’t seem to charge it. They have good wifi too. Oh - they also serve really great food - the concessionaire leasing their kitchen makes great food for a very reasonable price.

Also - I’ve been a customer since I was 12 (now in my 40’s - ugh) - known the guys - brothers - who’ve owned it since I was 12. Tom & Joe took it over from their parents. The bro’s also know my parents. I’m back in town for an extended stay to help with a family member who is now on the mend.

So - why didn’t I punch him?

Well - 'cause I wouldn’t punch an obnoxious guest in my host’s living room - or place of work. Kind like I try not to be a dick here on the BB BBS. But - what about a regular bar? The thought would cross my mind - especially ten years ago. Ten years ago I would have (likely) gotten nasty right back - even at the Bro’s pub I think, if pushed. At a bar ten years ago would have been hard not to get in a fight and it did happen a few times.

So in this case - in addition to all of the above (clear as mud?) - I decided the passive aggressive response would be much, much, more fun.

And it WAS!!!

–edit – oh…btw…I’m in Eugene Oregon. If you don’t mind answering in which general area are you G. ?