Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/12/02/hens-pursue-amazon-driver.html
I love how the lead hen stops once she gets to the dirt track that the poor guy is booking it down… She’s like, “that’s what I thought, motherclucker…”
Those aren’t just hens. Those are guinea fowl, which are viciously territorial. They will attack anything that comes onto your property with the bravery of a pack of dogs, and they eat ticks like they’re candy.
FACTS, you say! Pffft.
That seems like a bonus to having the vicious cluckers around…
Brilliant. Also quite surprised he walked (then ran) all that way… not exactly the time efficiency they’re known for.
The only thing that video is missing is the “yakkety Sax” song.
Was going to say the same thing about them being guinea fowl. Also the one in front is almost certainly a cock not a hen.
Footage in need of a Yakety Sax accompaniment.
Don’t forget they have some rather strong eggs. My grandfather had some while living in the plains (all dirt, no rocks). Claimed you could throw them as far as you wanted and they wouldn’t break.
Who’s the chicken now, eh?
Good to know. I’ve been looking for some strong eggs for an upcoming event.
I suspect it’s not really an Amazon driver, but a setup. There’s no van, no vehicle at all in fact that I can see? The video time-skips when the runner nears the road and he disappears. So it’s perhaps just the resident having some fun
Those Mother Cluckers means business.
Thanks for clearing that up @Robertor I didn’t think regular barnyard chickens behaved like that.
The vehicle could have been hidden from our view by all the trees (center-top of screen). As far as we not seeing the vehicle being driven away, I noticed in my area that Amazon drivers tend to spend a bit of time sitting in their vehicles after dropping things off. Perhaps they’re doing some electronic ‘paperwork’ in there related to the drop-off made and/or a pending drop-off.
That driver is actually Sheldon Cooper in an alternative universe.
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