Here are the dirty tactics Trump's team says it will use to smear Harris

I’m sure, much like every other Black woman (or any WOC) in America, she’s used to it, and knows how to deal with the pain it can cause. I’m sure every single campaign she ran in, she had to deal with it. I’m sure every single thing she accomplished in her life, she had to deal with it.


Well, those that like that sort of thing are probably all already lost to Trump. I hope everyone else who sees it will see it for what it is and it will increase their motivation to get out and vote against the arseholes promulgating it.


And vice versa:

I’m not sure that’s as damaging a thought as he thinks it is


I just hope they keep trying to hammer the inflation bit. I do love the look on their faces when I counter by asking them what the inflation rate is right now.

Nervous Season 3 GIF by The Office



Something that can be done with literally anyone who frequently speaks in front of a camera or microphone. Which is why I always took the attacks on Biden for that kind of thing with a grain of salt.
Sure it was a little easier to do it with Biden, but I still don’t think it would have fatally hurt his campaign if it wasn’t for that poor debate performance and the entire media ecosystem jumping up and down on it with both feet.

I just don’t get how Trump supporters think this shit is an unanswerable gotcha in comparison to him.

With Trump you don’t need to go hunting for clips.
Just watch literally any single one of his speeches and by the end you’ll have enough gaffs and rambling incoherent nonsense to fill a video the same length as a clip show of every single verbal fumble and nonsense statement ever made on record by Biden and Harris combined.
Make it two Trump speeches and you could probably do the same but also throw in half the Democratic Party on the other side.


Stan Herd is a true local legend.


In his latest, he lost track of what he was trying to say, so he asked his audience what he was trying to say….

Gordon Ramsay Facepalm GIF by Masterchef


Thanks to that gif, I’m now picturing an episode of Election Nightmares that’s just 45 minutes of Gordon Ramsey losing his shit at Trump and his handlers over their lack of real, detailed policy, shoddy speeches - and absolute inability to come up with strong attacks against their current opponent.


“Old? Inflation!?! Those talking points are stale. You’re the old one now, Donnie. You need fresh material. Go down to the farmer’s market. Yes, now! Stop campaigning and get something fresh or you’re done for.

NO, your sous chef JD doesn’t have a fucking clue. He thought serving up heaping helpings of misogyny was going to earn him a Michelin star, when 51% or his customers are women! He’s a Hillbilly Effigy.”


I agree, anyone can make such mistakes, but while Biden or Harris make a blunder when they’re sick or exhausted, Trump does worse all the time, with virtually every word that comes out of his mouth. Like so much of his behavior, it’s so constant, shameless and incompetent that his followers have to give him an unearned free pass or instantly collapse under the weight of their own cognitive dissonance, while the media and even some people on the left have become enablers by giving in under the onslaught and letting it become normalized in their minds.

I’m so, so sick of the Democrats being held to impossible standards of perfection while the Republicans are held to literally no standards whatsoever.


I was so disappointed when Biden bowed out, like you I’m fucking tired of the left constantly caving in to follow Republican narratives.
I still think it was a mistake - but at least it wasn’t a fatal one and there’s some real upsides to it. I’m happy Harris has come out swinging and the Democratic Party has so far resisted the urge to collapse into the messy ball of infighting I was worried about.


I’m not sure I would consider it a mistake, considering how it’s turning out, but it feels like it very easily could have been one. I too expected more division and infighting rather than everyone uniting behind Harris, and while I’m relieved, the whole thing just makes me feel even more alienated from my fellow humans and less inclined to even attempt to predict or understand their behavior. I can understand people being more excited about a younger, Black, woman candidate than Biden, but not to the point where they wouldn’t have voted against Trump if this hadn’t happened. In my eyes, that’s just unforgivably foolish, and I’m still dreading some random event with Harris that will suddenly switch them back to being okay with fascists ending democracy.

But in the meantime, I’m feeling a bit of hope for the first time in many months. It was definitely unfair that Biden was pushed out, and I don’t think it would have happened if not for the double standard that allows Republicans to be immune to any kind of consequences while the media gleefully jumps on Democrats, knives out, for so much as coughing at the wrong moment. However, Biden’s self-sacrifice has turned out to be a wise strategy that ripped the bottle right out of baby Donald’s tiny hands and left him wailing in terror and confusion now that he can’t smugly depend on the media’s “Biden is so old” story any longer. I hope Harris makes the most of the opportunity and absolutely crushes the fascists into dust. That may be too much to hope for, but at the least, another four years of continued existence feels more likely than it did a month ago.


It’s because of how ultra-focused they were on Biden. Prior to Biden’s dropping out, Ezra Klein interviewed Tim Alberta, who had extensively profiled the former guy’s campaign managers. It was plainly stated that the campaign was tailored to hit Biden repeatedly and hard, and it would be a tough as shit pivot to anyone else. Which explains why the first thing they could think of in terms of Harris was to simply tie her to Biden. It would be the least amount of work for them. Of course something as simple as that won’t work.


So the staff is as lazy-minded and obsessed with past opponents as their candidate. That makes sense.


Wow has seen a 700 percent increase in daily voter registrations, according to MSNBC’s Kyle Griffin, who reported Wednesday that the increase of “more than 38,500 new registrations” came in the 48 hours after Biden withdrew.


It’s the opposite with Trump. You have to pick and cut hours of his rambling footage down to something which makes sense.


Oh for–


I hope that one good result of that kind of shit is a lot of Republican women secretly checking “Kamala Harris (D)” in the voting booth.

Angry Watch Out GIF by BrownSugarApp