Originally published at: Here are the essential ingredients in semen (video) | Boing Boing
How did they ever get a sample of the stuff for analysis?
Surely some Callery pear blossom.
Next step creating an homunculus.
Sperm King. Gross.
along with the fructose and enzymes and buffering agents (oh my), there is curiously enough a fair complement of zinc. Yes, zinc, timmy, or else-wise the chromatin (DNA) gets destabilized and i know none of us want that (“ooo I do! I do!”) so take your zinc tabs, unless you don’t care about your proffered DNA.
Did I miss it, or did he not actually tell us what the ratio is?
Snips & snails & puppy dogs tails?
What’s more, he didn’t state the recommended daily allowance.
It doesn’t contain pineapple juice?
Here are the essential ingredients in semen:
- Semen
Well of course. Anything to do with any aspect of human reproduction is porn by definition. You should be ashamed and so should BoingBoing. Go and think about your unhealthy obsessions, you perv.
(/s /s /s)
(may be naturally or artificially flavored)
That is Cherie DeVille, and is literally PornHub
Methinks that was the joke.