To market, to market
Went my brother Tim
When somebody threw a tomato at him
Now tomatoes are soft
And do not break the skin
But the one that killed Timmy
Was wrapped in a tin
I’m good with eggs. As a sign of respect, only the best 100-year eggs should be used.
I feel it necessary to point out that throwing milkshakes at someone actually counts as battery, not assault. But only if you hit them. Which you should, if they’re fascists.
To those of you stateside who have felt increasingly frustrated that they have family members who support chump then i gotta say i feel ya because to see people you love getting conned by grifters like this and defending fascists like robinson as some sort of free speech advocate is enormously depressing. These people might not follow politics so much but that’s were facebook comes in and you better believe they’ll plug that gap by allowing the muck spreader of extremism.
Have you ever been near 100-year eggs?
I think a spoonful (or several) of piss and vinegar would compliment those shakes nicely.
Ya know, for that little extra dash of feck off.
Very true, but I believe @Taniwha mentioned using the egg-cream drink as a weapon against fascists because said drink is a soda fountain drink available at (based on my childhood and early adult history in NYC) Jewish delis.
Durian extract. Just durian extract. Small bottle, BIG results
Yeah, they’re not bad. Hard pass on eggs pickled with urine.
Do not assault anyone with a battery. It’s very confusing for the legal system.
I wouldn’t waste a good cast iron pan on throwing it at some of these dim bulbs. Maybe one of the cheap no-stick pans with the lining gone.
Nah. Too easy to clean. Ketchup comes to mind tho…Also, I like lima beans and even did as a kid. Brussel sprouts also. I was still a picky eater.
Po-ta-to, po-ta-toh, poo-tay-toe…
Needs more Trimethylamine (TMA). The stinky part in mouse wee, really rotting fish, and stuff like that. Garnish with a hornet’s nest, and serve while it is fresh.
I say potato, you say Solanum tuberosum,
I say tomato, you say Solanum lycopersicum
Ahh, Gershwin…
I would rather prefer if this idea wont spread to the local political scene here in Sweden. I realy enjoy a low public violence level, that noboy throws anything at the fascists or islamists or black left, especially if it is intended as political violence. It is not the right thing to do even if I hate them and if I do it it will at least here be more to their PR benefit then a hinderence.