Here's a retro video of a dancing Corey Feldman

Originally published at: Here's a retro video of a dancing Corey Feldman | Boing Boing


He’s trying. Very trying.


Feldman has since retired his Jackson shtick,

Uh… no he hasn’t.

Maybe I’ve seen too many Feldman music videos lately, but found this song to be listenable to the end of the clip. If he was backed by a band and toned down the over-exuberant dancing this might have been okay.

If the Coreys hadn’t been child stars, they might not have become victims of sexual abuse, drug addiction, and a moral downward spiral, which in the case of Corey Haim, ended in an early death.

Meanwhile ‘the other Corey’ is now just a sad, delusional has-been who has become an abuser himself.

“The Coreys” are a cautionary tale of the pitfalls of success, at best.


I never cared for the Coreys but I applaud Mr. Feldman’s efforts to draw attention to the sexual exploitation that is prevalent in the entertainment industry.


Corey’s Angels kinda negates any good that he’s attempting to do, IMO.


Wow, that was a shitshow in so many ways :grimacing:


Corey Haim was the better Corey.

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That’s just … sad.

Yikes. I wasn’t aware of that.

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Yikes. I’ve seen better lip syncing from someone attempting to lip sync to something they’re just now hearing for the first time.

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