Herman Cain, who died of COVID-19, tweets 'the virus is not as deadly' as believed

That feeling when your high school classmates who barely scraped by with a C in any high school science course are suddenly self-proclaimed medical experts in the midst of a pandemic…



It looks like Herman Cain isn’t as dead as the mainstream media first made him out to be either.


Needs a “necro-tweet-o-philia” tag.

As I posted last time:


I can’t help but think that he gave someone else the keys to his Twitter account long before he wound up getting “hoaxed” to death. But it mystifies me that anyone with access to his account would think it’s a good idea to post something in his name well after he’s dead.

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Pity they took down the original tweet. Some of the replies were rather… ahem… lethal.

His family took it over and updated the ownership while keeping the same Twitter handle.

They now call themselves “the Cain Gang,” and they need to fuck off and join their shitty patriarch.


Does anyone have screenshots of the top replies? Or even his ratio? He (they?) must have gotten bodied in the comments. Even by (non Q) conservatives.

The tweet was quickly deleted.


Well, I guess there’s some truth there. Nothing’s quite as deadly when you’re dead. Of course, I won’t know for sure until…

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Is this whole Herman Cain’s Dead thing a Monty Python skit?


By that standard, Australia has only had ten covid deaths (we actually had more than 600 but many are elderly). You can skew the standard in this way but it doesn’t make the US look better by comparison.

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I assume this is something to do with how the story is posted, not with anything the reader is doing. It’s getting to be a pain in the neck but at least I can go to bbs.boingboing.net manually.
What really gets my goat is the articles which are the whole article on the front page, not a summary and then a jump to the full article. It’s now at the point that if I read down the blog and hit one of those, I don’t bother checking the rest of the blog for that day, it’s just too much of a pain to scroll endlessly through articles that I am not interested in.
If the intent is to make me read the whole article I’m afraid it is having the opposite effect.


Yeah its a known bug. Been going on for years.

Maybe so, but it seems a lot more common lately. It’s been happening to me at least once a day, sometimes several times.

This patriot is just resting.


“The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”


“Cain gang”?

Like “Chain Gang”? Really?..

Just when you think that 2020 may eventually start running out of BS to sling…


How does the account of a dead guy, operated by unknown individuals, still warrant a “verified” check mark?