Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/08/31/herman-cain-who-died-of-covid.html
I think this is based on the same Q stuff that Trump’s deleted tweet was based on. They claim that only a few percent of the people who died of covid actually died of covid. The original tweet even sets aside people who were elderly, as if they died of… elderly.
Posting here since (as usual?) the Scott Atlas article has comments disabled. Is this policy or is it oversight?
Where’s the Qanon? Hiding in the toilet paper rolls?
They would say they are the white space amidst it all…
It’s a known problem that they’ve been working on…
Q has to hide from the Deep State (I think that’s part of the conspiracy idea, right?) so he/she/it/they are a couple inches deeper than Professor Farnsworth’s Anti-Pressure Pill.
Hmm. If someone were to offer Trump brand suppositories that claimed to be effective against COVID / “libruls” / Democrats / Hillary Clinton / illegal immigrants, how many followers of QAnon would use them?
Zombie Herman Cain, still doing the bidding of the death cult of which he was once a high priest.
Most of us have “underlying conditions.” Especially most Americans.
I guess it was inevitable that the official GOP position would become some kind of “kill the weak” eugenics bullshit sooner or later.
Here you go:
Something happens in the blog post that leads to the “comments” link to redirect back to the blog post. The BBS page is still created but doesn’t link properly.
Could I suggest the active ingredients?
I’d assume there would be plenty of capsaicin involved. Maybe a bit of urushiol as well?
Legal counsel has since suggested it is not in my interest to announce it publicly.
In the used ones I guess.
Brown stains on pants would be an excellent way to spot them.
This happens to me frequently. It seems to happen a lot lately. It just happened to me on another article about a Russian opposition activist being beaten.
Almost every new post is doing this to me. It just happened to me again 2x- somehow there are 42 comments on the article with the new director advocating herd immunity, but I just get redirected endlessly to the same article, not to bbs.
As for the main article-
The cycle to embracing the ideals of the the death cult for the Cain family is complete. They are guzzling the kool-aid.
I pity them. I fear for the rest of MERICA who will listen to the insanity of letting a dead man speak contrary to reality and lead them to their own deaths.
This is a really dark and twisted evil the GOP have raised on us all.