“Do our Lord Jesus Christ have a mental illness because he said he’s the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? To me, those are 3 different personalities.”
Honestly, had a comedian written this line 15 years ago, I would have dismissed it as lazy and heavy-handed.
Now, though, it’s just another in a long series of jaw droppers from the Grand Old Parody.
I’ll spare the derail and skip my rant on the DSM. Save to say that dissociative patterns are real and more common than most people think, even if I believe that the folks who wrote the manual gave in to political pressure and made a relatively simple thing both more complex and more mystical-sounding than it would have to be.
And no matter how many personalities Walker has, the only ones we see would be unsettling to put in a position of authority.
Even as an atheist, I must admit that sometimes becoming Jesus is a better course of action than remaining the original person. Although I guess that would depend on actual change in the person and their behavior and not just assuming the title.