Hide and Seek is a painting from 1942 that has gained a cult-following of people who enjoy looking at it while tripping on psychedelics

Originally published at: Hide and Seek is a painting from 1942 that has gained a cult-following of people who enjoy looking at it while tripping on psychedelics | Boing Boing

I see a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries in it.


Your mornings must be super crazy!


I found Waldo!


Okay. So, this is the one you don’t hang in a daycare center playroom. Got it.


This does NOT look like the sort of thing I would want to see during a peyote or mushroom trip. But I guess if you do it all the time maybe you start needing the harder stuff to be entertained.


I mean, if the psychedelics are good enough, just about anything can be interesting. Right?

I remember one of those velvet tapestries you hang on the wall. I was on some good LSD, and I swear the horses in that tapestry were running, and the grass was waving…


Ok, but when you were sober, was it still a scene of grass and horses?

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Static ones, to be sure.

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I often enjoyed gazing at the intricacies of The Fairy Feller’s Master-Stroke

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I would assume much less unsettling than gazing at a Hieronymous Bosch painting.

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