High school girls face prison for time honored alarm clock prank

I’d like to say it was sarcasm, but the way things are going…

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I like to imagine the humorless ones as Ming-Ming from Wonder Pets.

I have no idea what this is and will probably wind up on a list for linking it, but I had heard old washing machine timers were used in IEDs in Iraq. Of course an alarm clock in a suburban high school is not a hoax bomb.

But this site, this site sort of is the bomb…


Might just be easier to just move prison guards onto the school campus, really.

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Already been done - your tax dollars at work! They are called “safety officers” or “resource officers” and they are equipped with deadly force and authorized to use it. So far no kids shot, but give it time, it’s a pretty inevitable outcome. Private schools, of course, don’t have resource officers, but certainly public “feeder” schools in my state do.

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