I can’t leave an Iron Maiden thread without including some Paul Di’Anno material.
(I do love Bruce, though)
I can’t leave an Iron Maiden thread without including some Paul Di’Anno material.
(I do love Bruce, though)
Wow, a whole room for the infidels. That is clearly too much. Can’t they be satisfied with, like, a corner of the broom closet or something?
Yeesh, so demanding.
She should post whatever she wants on her own social media. Reports I read said she used her school account.
I suppose the folks who started this position are the same ones who whinge about “cancel culture?”
That’s not what it said in the article?
And why should listening to music be a fireable offense, unless one believes that everyone needs to be a Christian who only listens to pastor-approved music? It’s ridiculous, especially since they actually believe she’s a satanist… and so what if she was? This is not a “Christian” country, no matter what those assholes think.
I’m sick of them trying to dictate what we all should be doing, thinking, or believing.
Good. They can fuck off.
I agree with with you except she posted the photos on her school Instagram and Twitter. It appears they have been removed but this is the account. @edenprincipal Sure looks like the school account.
From the article…
on her public social media platforms where all the students can see them under @edenprincipal (not her personal account).
@edenprincipal will get you to, what appears to be, the official school Twitter and Instagram page, those are not the appropriate place for pictures of the principle’s after hours activities that are not school related.
I could care less what teachers do in their personal life. Attending an Iron Maiden concert and having fun is definitely not grounds for dismissal. I was only saying the only beef they might have is she used official school accounts. The solution would have been remove the photos and tell her not to do it again but as usual something simple goes way over board due to social media and the internet.
On a side not, can’t figure out why the @ stuff is bolded.
But of course, that’s not what they did. they very much tried to get her removed for the music she likes. This is an attempt to revive Satanic panic to get people conservatives don’t like removed. It’s not her superior saying that she should remove it.
The @ on the bbs is usually a mention of a BBS member and doesn’t function as a twitter/insta handle. If you wanted to link there, you would include the full http address of those accounts. I guess the default behavior is that it bolds @ mentions when there is no corresponding bbs account.
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