Perhaps people should learn not to arm and encourage dictators.
American support for Ba'athist Iraq during the Iran–Iraq War, in which it fought against post-revolutionary Iran, included several billion dollars' worth of economic aid, the sale of dual-use technology, military intelligence, and special operations training. The U.S. refused to sell arms to Iraq directly due to Iraq's ties to terrorist groups, but several sales of "dual-use" technology have been documented; notably, Iraq purchased 45 Bell helicopters for $200 million in 1985. Of part U.S. govern...
On 25 July 1990, April Glaspie, the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, asked the Iraqi high command to explain the military preparations in progress, including the massing of Iraqi troops near the border.
The American ambassador declared to her Iraqi interlocutor that Washington, “inspired by the friendship and not by confrontation, does not have an opinion” on the disagreement between Kuwait and Iraq, stating “we have no opinion on the Arab–Arab conflicts”.
“Britain is the most popular country for Russian gangsters and corrupt Russian government officials to settle and buy property,” he says.
“They see it as a rule-of-law country. They think that their property is safe and they consider it sort of a good bolthole to go to if times get tough in Russia.”
I wonder… Where do British Tories plan to go?
March 17, 2018, 5:29pm
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