Hilarious chicken has ulterior motive when she "protects" kitties' food from the house dog (video)

Originally published at: Hilarious chicken has ulterior motive when she "protects" kitties' food from the house dog (video) - Boing Boing


Puppy be like “That chicken can absolutely hurt me, hoomin. Have you seen her beak? What about the claws? Don’t you know chickens are the descendants of dinosaurs?!”

Angry Fire GIF by Imaginal Biotech


The chicken actually keeping the dog from eating his food.


Ayam Cemani are totally metal chickens.


Poor Dog :dog:


Hey doggo, litter box is over there, plenty of free eatins.


the fight over the cat’s food is one of the things that irks me most about these ridiculous street chickens that run wild all over the islands. they know when dinnertime is and start to circle the porch while two cats enjoy their noms. if i go inside, the chickens will gang up and peck my kittehs until they abandon ship and leave the marauders to finish the food.
this, i cannot stand.
so, i stand over the cats with my wrist rocket slingshot at the ready to pai-yah! those cluckers as they start to come toward us.
these monsters truly DGAF and just keep coming, even after getting seriously winged by high velocity clay marbles at short range!

i hate them. i hate them all!
that’s all I have to say about that.


high quality GIF



For real! The woman gong “don’t worry, she can’t hurt you” was giving very bad advice to the doggo!

When I was a kid there was some farmer protest in the city centre and a bunch of chickens escaped and formed two households in the shrubs in Stephen’s Green. You could hear them crowing years later. I remember talking to a park keeper and he was saying that they were getting killed off. I asked him was it cats/dogs/foxes and he said no way! They can kick their arses. It’s the people taking them. Same as the ducks. They have to restock them because people eat them.

Personally not sure I’d eat urban fowl or game!


i suppose i do go on…

“Old man yells at clouds, wants feral chickens to stay off lawn!”


Might be stringy, but I have had fairly feral chicken (I didn’t normally eat meat at the time but it was in a village up a mountain in North Africa and I didn’t feel that my qualms needed to be raised) and it was tasty! Some kind of stew/tagine.

I suggest you eat some sense into them!

Talking of things that might have eaten… questionable things before you eat them: I watched the pilot of the Carl Hiaasen show on the TV and it claimed Florida was the floating human body parts capital of the world…


i guess whatever the gators leave behind and the chickens don’t peck. strong possibility that Mr. Hiaasen is correct!
and one does not simply walk into the canefields! :astonished:

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They were discussing the shark gnawings on an arm and I got the impression that their detailed knowledge of the sharks in question was born out of them being waters!
Eaters. The sharks were eaters.

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Wait, what Carl Hiassen show? Tell me more.

i reckon he is talking about Bad Monkey that is currently on Apple TV.
it is very good and, yes, it starts with “catching” a body part on a fishing charter.
loved the novel and enjoying the tv screenplay!
sorry @robertmckenna , wasn’t trying to step on your reply, i just want to give a hearty “thumbs up” for this production!

edit to stay on topic:
i still hate chickens. unless it is eggs, hot wings or chicken curry…


Oooo of course it’s Hiassen! I thought the title sounded familiar! I’ll have to check it out. Cheers!


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