Hilarious cockpit transcript of the Navy pilots who drew a giant penis in the sky over Washington

I think #SexualOrientation means something else…


The vagina seems to work better as a canoe.


I think you mean vulva in the sky?


Vulva in the Sky!

It’s where I’m gonna go when I die.

Vulva in the Sky!

When I die and they lay me to rest, I’m gonna go to the place that’s the best.


This is the international symbol for vagina - I find it appalling that it doesn’t exist in American parlance:


And a hairy one:



This is the international symbol for vagina

technically you are correct-- the best kind of correct.

since 1993, the czech republic and slovakia have been two separate countries-- and Czechoslovak traditions have acquired an international character.

the wikipedia page notes

Češi a Slováci znázorňují „píču“ schematickou kresbou kosočtverce, svisle postaveného na jeden ze svých ostrých vrcholů, se svislou čárou uprostřed. Někdy je symbol doplněn paprsčitě uspořádanými čárkami okolo kosočtverce, které symbolizují pubické ochlupení.[16] Symbol se často nazývá i jinými názvy pro vulvu.
Komplementární symbol pro penis existuje.[zdroj?]


Nah - it’s just, like, anamorphic, like …

It bothered me when Ronald Reagan casually joked about starting a nuclear war with Russia. Same way it felt inappropriate for Obama to joke about using predator drones to murder any boy who dare try to date his daughter. I don’t like seeing 5 liter muscle cars painted up in police livery either.

In general, I really appreciate when those who wield deadly force on my behalf, treat their position with a certain formality. Solemnity, even. Its not just sending a message ti me that they’re less likely to casually misuse this power, it sends a message to others weilding similar power, that this is not to be taken lightly.

So… some whimsical pilot doing donuts in the sky, or testicles, whatever… that part doesnt trouble me. A member of a nuclear capable air force making sky graffiti, yeah it does upset me a little.

Every time this country makes another move toward fascism, there’s this kind of shrug, whatcha gonna do? I dont like the way these behaviors are being normalized under the category of “humor”.

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I think it’s good practice. Just don’t fly into any cable cars.

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