Hitler and Stalin sing "Video Killed the Radio Star"

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/09/02/hitler-and-stalin-sing-video.html


That is awesome and horrifying. awesomely horrifying… horrifyingly awesome…

I kinda wonder why they don’t do the Ken Burns thing, and separate the faces from the backgrounds, so you don’t get the contortion of the whole image. Really impressive though.


Not terribly funny. But I would watch a version with G. Gordon Liddy and Otto von Bismarck.


So why doesn’t anyone do the same thing with Churchill & FDR?

I think people choose monsters like this particularly because they are monsters. The juxtaposition. They take something that is scary and humorless and get a satirical effect, because it would obviously offend both of them were they alive and seeing it.

Sadly, too, Churchill and FDR would probably be recognizable to only a small fraction of the general internet audience.


So just spread the trivializing charm then? OK

I’m sure you know but there is audio of Bismarck. And unlike nearly all the recordings of Hitler, he’s not shouting.



Trivializing our monsters is a coping mechanism. If we didn’t take them seriously, and if they weren’t troubling to us, we wouldn’t choose them. People with reverence for them certainly wouldn’t either.


It’s an old Lenin number.


Yeah that was creepy af. I suppose they just did not want to bother removing the backgrounds. I mean who are they gonna fool?


There is also audio of Stalin, which isn’t that surprising but you don’t hear archive recordings of him that often, unlike Hitler.

If it wasn’t for WW2, Churchill would be remembered as a monster too. Even then he still showed his nasty side there too.


More troubling Kismet! We watched “The Death of Stalin” last night. A very, very, very dark comedy. Worth a watch (along with its bonus section which references Trump.)


I don’t know about that, any comedy that starts with Joseph Stalin dying in a pool of his own piss and ending with the summary execution of Beria cannot be described as dark as far as I’m concerned.


Dark insofar of the millions of people executed and disappeared by Stalin and Beria’s role in that… and the rapings (as noted in the film). And the hundreds of people shot attempting to get to Stalin’s funeral/showing.

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I was engaging in some dark humour…

Oh well, I’m off to represent the Red Army at the buffet.


it’s how I learned that there are people on the internet making light of things who get in touch with you to make heavy plans if they think you’re one of them.

Got to ask, like what?

Ist it really trivializing? I had another thought watching this. Hitler was never ever this happy. Even when he still thought his project was a success story. Read; being a bad person never makes you happy. By the sheer absurdity of it you can learn something valuable :wink:

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I am viscerally repulsed by this. Aside from the juxtaposition of two terrible dictators with this song, all I n see is Neo’s disappearing mouth and watching it I feel like I’m having a stroke.

Source: Media from Giphy .com, link to Reddit user Somewhat_Green’s post titled MRW Oatmeal is to dry, originally from the the Wachowskis‘s movie The Matrix, 1999

Edit to add sources, and fix VTS mistake

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What a great movie…


And the bit about how the central committee couldn’t find a good doctor to treat Stalin because he had a lot of the doctors in Moscow arrested and tortured.

It is worryingly believable that Trump would do the same.