Home Depot's viral 12-foot skeleton really IS enormous

I’m 193 cm tall (6’4") and drive a Ford Focus with no difficulty. They obviously can’t fit into a compact because otherwise they couldn’t bring their toxic masculinity with them.


Garden’s full.


Thank you for this. The fact that he’s turned it into a fundraiser makes it even better!

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I’m in a similar height range and if we’re honest I tend to fit better in small cars than I do in large vehicles. It seems like most SUVs and trucks are so insistent on getting that feeling of height that they don’t take into account taller people. Small cars know their reputation and tend to allow for better adjustment.


My nesting partner is 157 cm and we’re both pretty insistent that any vehicle we purchase must be capable of being driven by both of us. I can absolutely confirm that the range of adjustment this requires is much easier to find in a compact than a larger vehicle!


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