Homophobic Bridget Ziegler should be fired for being bad at at her job, not for having sex with a woman, says former student [video]

Classic Republican move, put someone opposed to the thing in charge of the thing you want to break. James Watt, Anne Burford-Gorsuch, Betsy DeVos…


Oh, I know. All too well, I know.


there is - for me - the element of hypocrisy as well

she’s taken a stance that fictitious idea called traditional relationships are the only ones allowed, while she has different rules for herself. even if her stance was on something significantly less consequential - the fact she preaches one thing and does another seems disqualifying

( that she’s actively harming children with her rhetoric and actions, of course, is still by far the most important issue )


Check yourself first :thinking:

ah but then I’d have that nasty red pen badge.

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