Hong Kong designer makes Scarlett Johansson robot

No thanks. There isn’t enough bleach in the world…


They did and it was awesome. And totally sad.
But mostly awesome.

well, this seems relevant:

Touching robots can arouse humans, study finds

Well, if that’s his plan, then I can definitely see him running into trouble. I had the(apparently mistaken) impression that this was a…pet project.

There is a whole bizarre Asian doll underground, with strange guys having whole families of life sized dolls. Somewhere on a shelf here I have a doll fan magazine I picked up in Japan. Honestly, it is several new levels of weird. I will see if I can find it and post a page or two.

Ah. Somebody noticed the talent!

I don’t think he’s planning on chatting with it.

“And the idea was, the LoveBot goes to the nearest man and then he’d start
poundin’ and hollerin’ and screamin’ and sometimes the LoveBot would go
away. Sometimes it wouldn’t go away. Sometimes that LoveBot, it looks
right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about a LoveBot,
it’s got… lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eye. When it comes
at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’. Until it bites ya and those black eyes
roll over white. And then, ah… then you hear that terrible high pitch
screamin’ …”


She has an I.Q. of one thousand and one,
She has a jumpsuit on,
And she’s also a telephone.

(E.L.O., “Yours Truly, 2095”)

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i’d urge them to do better market research…then i’d sigh and get into my robot costume. :slight_smile:

Yeah, it is creepy and people should have say over their likeness. Right now the conversation is about a robot look alike, I can imagine a similar conversation in the not too distant future about a bio-engineered clone made from a few cells left on a drinking glass. This is the part of the future that I didn’t sign up for.


you know where this needs to go don’t you?

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The guy is in China, a.k.a. the Intellectual Property Violation Capital of the World. Pursuing damages would be futile and maybe even a little Streisandish.

Well, to him this is what´s worthwhile. From a purely technical standpoint, the skill required and the learning effect achieved by building this chat-bot is as big as if he built an autonomous vehicle of some kind, it´s just a different field.

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