Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/28/hot-dog-rice-krispie-treats-ar.html
I clicked it because I didn’t believe it. I watched it, saw that it is real, and I still don’t believe it.
“What? No, fuck this.” was my reaction and I stand by it.
If that is Food of the Gods I am resigning my commission
Okay so there are some things I will balk at after 4 years of college dorm cafeteria food.
Fake news
Why not? It all goes in the same hole.
Reminds me I need to play Eggggg again…
As a Chicagoan, I’m horrified at his use of ketchup on a hotdog.
Every time I try to imagine what this tastes like, my gag reflex kicks in.
Remember when ('member berries!) South Park started, and one of the reviews was (paraphrased) “This is the worst animation ever, and nothing but far jokes!”, so Matt and Trey made “Terence and Phillip” and said, “No, this is the worst animation ever and nothing but fart jokes.”?
I think this is the “Terrence and Phillip” of cooking.
No just “no,” but:


Hot dogs and mustard with rice krispy treats? Nah, probably not. However, there is a yummy sweet/savory version. Mix chopped bacon in with your treats and then stick the pan in a smoker for 30-45 minutes before eating. Decided to do this out of the blue one day, and it’s faboo!
Food science has gone mad, where is the Hamburger Helper in this time of crisis?
With your mighty Glove of Helping, slap this foul creation back into the depths of Reddit from whence it came!!!
Needs more aspic.
A fellow /r/ShittyFoodPorn enthusiast, I assume? One of my favourites!
Oh. My. God. No, I didn’t know that existed! Thanks; I may be some time…
I grew up in the early 70’s with mum’s Cordon Bleu Cooking Course magazines, one of those “buy the set over 20 weeks and get a free presentation box!” type things. It was full of anglicised French food, lots of aspic and piped lard(!), plenty of British classics and many tips for an English middle-class dinner party in 1973, so shitty, overdone food has always had a place in my heart.