House GOP approves bill allowing companies to force genetic testing on workers [See update]

These companies should put a sign up: 'Uebermenschen Only", like the good old days.

In the new libertarian paradise, market forces will determine every aspect of our lives, including who we combine our genetic material with. We’ll finally be truly free. /S


Nevertheless I see many problems with false positives and negatives, and assumptions made about correlations of genes with diseases that are later proven wrong.

I like this exchange (i.e. the main dialogue that follows):

Reply now in the correct place.


If this law is passed, the taxpaying public must have access to the genetic records and family health histories of elected officials. Family health problems might distract them from their duties, and they might have genetic markers for diseases like Alzheimer’s which could have an effect on their judgement. Why should we take a chance with our tax dollars? Nothing personal, it’s just good business.



Why should we take a chance with our tax dollars?

Well … since it’s basically an employment relationship …

And the same goes for all law enforcement personnel.

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