House GOP approves bill allowing companies to force genetic testing on workers [See update]

That’s why everyone should be a teensy bit worried about the fact that so-called “information technology” companies like Google’s mother ship Alphabet are heavily investing in life science companies, especially and explicitly the medical branch.

Three assumptions:
First, there is no way at all that medical information technology companies which aggregate, process, and analyse medical data will not be hacked.

Second, if data becomes available, there is no way “the market” isn’t going to use it.

Third, if data becomes available, there is no way “the government” isn’t going to use it.

Basis for this assumptions: every database on personal data on the internet.


Prevent Useless Eaters

Can I use your genetic material for the purpose of satire?


Is it non-commercial satire?


I sure it certainly wouldn’t attract many purchasers :frowning:


Apparently it’s old news, but despite his backpedaling, doubtful he’s changed his core values much.


While vile, he is a state legislature member, and I assumed by congresscritters you meant House GOP members of the US Congress. His attitude is not cool, but he isn’t one of the critters approving the bill in the post, and he isn’t in the US Congress.

Jokes about tattooing identification information make me feel uneasy.


Fair enough. I tend to use the term ‘congresscritters’ (loosely and probably inaccurately) to describe any elected official who nominally works in DC, just because ‘mercenary fuckstick’ doesn’t always apply, and is not always suitable for mixed company.


I was talking about tattooing me, not anyone else. I know that some people have medical information tattooed on them, in case they are in no state to tell doctors about their allergies and medical conditions.

Besides, it’s not going to happen. I have bad needlephobia, I literally need to be sedated to avoid harming myself and whoever is holding the needle.

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Write your congressional representative. Hopefully some of them will want to get sound bites and move this issue more into the MSM’s spotlight.

So nothing about charging out the ass for denying the screening (effectively forcing it), or being allowed to sell the info after?


talking about me, not anyone else

I know. But I can’t help it. And I wouldn’t want it otherwise, because Never Again is a promise.
I am not suggesting your remark had anything to do with my immediate mental associations of the Nazi reign, but just tell you that I had this association.

I, for one, am not afraid of needles, and considered having a tattoo a long time ago, in school still. I seriously was pondering a barcode at that time. On the back of my neck. I am really, really glad for myself I didn’t go through with it.


Not a huge surprise that a guy who believes that women’s bodies aren’t their own would be pro-rape. We’re not full human beings in his eyes. Why should he care about our individuality?


Sorry bro, but I’ve got a copy of your genetic profile whether you like it or not.


You’re supposed to be a business owner. Trump Republicans think everyone is supposed to be, or dreams of being, a business owner. That’s all I ever hear from them. I’m beginning to think their form of government is one, big pyramid scheme.


Give him time… the Peter principle suggests that he’ll be a lock for federal-level reprehensible soon enough.

He was clearly being ironic. But I agree, the GOP is fascism. A form nastier than anything ever seen because they are believed to operate under the guise of freedom. Just as Alduous Huxley predicted it would come to America. But this isn’t recent.

The US used what modern GOPers deem “socialist taxation” in the Cold War to galvanize generations of Americans against the Communism. It was never really about the USSR. Only military spending for military sake. Another indicator of fascism. Eisenhower tried to warn us.


‘Gattaca’, exactly my thought when I read the title of the article.