House Speaker Mike Johnson on board of group claiming monkeypox is gay punishment

Originally published at: House Speaker Mike Johnson on board of group claiming monkeypox is gay punishment


That’s a really funny way to spell “assholes.” Oh well…


Garbage Old Party


Not this shit again. Just like HIV is not a “gay disease”, neither is mpox. Yet it doesn’t surprise me in the least that hate-filled bigots are playing a broken record.


“His involvement was limited to two phone calls with fellow board members annually. He had not seen the content in question, was not aware of it, and does not agree with it.”

Okay, and now that he has seen the content in question and is aware of it, what’s he going to do? Is he going to remain on the board of that organization (and so indicate his acceptance of that position) or is he going to leave (indicating that position is unacceptable)? I’m pretty sure I know the answer to that question.

I don’t think He is going to be pleased by Johnson’s decision. I think Johnson’s going to get an F in “Love thy neighbor” on his permanent record.


If I was on the board of a company that was spreading false and hateful stories, the moral thing to do would be to resign if management didn’t issue a public retraction and apology. But of course, I’m not a greedy Xtian death cultist; for them, morality is beside the point.


Yes. Johnson is just the latest in a line of congressional leaders who promote this kind of misinformation. Although Frist’s ethical violation was doubled by the fact that he claimed to be speaking as a physician.


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