How cute! Mommy and son arrested for helping to steal Nancy Pelosi's laptop during Jan 6 Capitol assault

They all have that self-righteous glare, the presumption of moral and intellectual superiority.


I would sort of expect, where I to take a laptop from someone with Top Secret clearance, guards defending that space would shoot me, and would have some justification in doing so. If I’m part of a mob, they don’t know if that laptop is headed to Al Quaeda, the Taliban, Russia, China, etc. Even if my intentions were pure and I intended to give it to Donald Trump or Al Gore or some other paragon of virtue, mob members aren’t known for their strict adherence to security protocols, and dangerous info could certainly fall into wrong hands. Or Ebay.


Here’s why that’s a bad idea:

18 USC Chapter 115 subsection 2384 Seditious Conspiracy:
“If two or more persons… by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution fo any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years or both.”

So, yeah… stand outside and peaceably assemble to petition the government for redress of grievances. That’s your first amendment right. The moment you disrupt those proceedings, then you are in seditious conspiracy area.

Every single one of those treasonous bastards should get 20 years. The MAGA-hats not in prison will think twice about storming the capitol.


They probably expected to be, at worst, pardoned, and would hopefully be feted with hamberders and given medals.


Or antifa snipers and LGBTQ commandos.


Be afraid! Be afraid of never finding a place to park. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve told visitors. "Don’t come with your kids expecting to find a parking place in front of whatever touristy thing you’re coming for."

But do they listen to me? Noooo!!!

And then it’s like watching Charlie ride the MTA.

:musical_note: No they’ll never return, no they’ll never return, and their fate is still unlearned… :musical_note:


Just a tip for out of towners, in DC many of the stop lights are rather old-fashionedly set up at the edge of the road on a pole rather than strung over top of the intersection. I recall this exchange on a car ride:
Al, you just ran a red light.
What, where,
You just ran another red light.

And if you are afraid of traffic circles, DC is not the city for you.


Parking has been a lot easier since Covid is going on.


Also, in DC/MD/Va, failing to a full and complete stop when making a right on red can get you a ticket, sometimes by unmanned camera. They installed them a few years ago, not certain if they’re still active, or if I’ve just gotten paranoid about them after paying some fines.

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NARRATOR: They are.


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