How long you have to eat freshly-made McDonalds fries before they become inedible

Indelible you say?
They are indelible forever.

Funny…I do like Five Guys…but I think more for the cajun seasoning they use than the fries themselves.

If I really have my druthers…give me good ol fashioned english chips or family style chicken fries…


If the parameters included slower food, I think sweet potato fries are the best!


I cannot get behind that view…only because I am not a sweet potato fry fan. My oldest son however would be right there with you!


OK, let’s go gastro-slumming. I’ll ignore the best fast food fare, optimally shaped, crinkle cut Shake Shack fries, or the crave-worthy, deep-fried batons of potatoes aka steak frites, specifically russets peeled, cut, soaked in water overnight, then fried twice and showered with fine sea salt at Balthazar in Soho.

So we now ponder the shoestring variety at clown burger, whose tapered ends are fried to the consistency of nail clippings and are just as digestible. Or you keep them in a sack, they get all steamy and lose all texture. How many cars have a few fries forever lost in the nether regions between the front seats?

The worst is when they’re underfried and come out as pale, greasy worms of starchy blah.

Best eaten right from the fryer, I don’t consider ff’s takeout food.

Especially with cheese and gravy.


Max’s Diner, and that’s all I have to say about good french fries.


I am a plain old ketchup kind of guy. sometimes a little mustard or A1 if I am feeling a bit frisky. Which is a perfect segue to one of my favorite local places…

I am partial to the Wiener Fries (Rhodekill)…

I could live in a world totally without french fries.
Coleslaw on the other hand…

If french fries did not exist it would be necessary to invent them.


Gah! Ketchup!


My favorite were those tasty school lunch crinkle cut fries:


White Castle’s fries are in the same ballpark.

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Truffle oil makes fries taste fantastic, though. :drooling_face:


Some folks prefer toppings and sauces to enhance the flavor, but in a true taste test, they can be used as a cover up for poor potato processing or preparation.


Three cheers for fellow Max’s fans!

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I’m pretty sure from watching kids that the ketchup is often the point and the french fries are just a delivery vehicle.


You missed the memo?
Truffle oil isn’t.

Sorry, this is meant for PPG.

These are pretty good…

… Zuni Cafe, SF


I have worked at a mcDonald and they don’t add beef anything to there fries they are 100% potatoes if you ever read anything inside a McDonald’s they have farms that they get there meat and veggies from they don’t just get anything from anywhere and what ever they want with it you should try talking to a employee or working there yourself before talking shit about something you know nothing about

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