How Michelle Wolf blasted open the fictions of journalism in the age of Trump

That’s how I heard it, AND as a poke in the eye to the assembled so-called journalists, who should be all over that story (and so many others like it), instead of obsessing daily over every Trumpian twitch and mindfart.


OK I watched it.

I dunno what people are upset about.

  1. She’s a comedian with a style and slant. If you want Jeff Dunham or Larry the Cable Guy or Louis CK, then you hire those people. I am sure there were “safer” options.

  2. She spread it around. I would say Trump and the right got the brunt of it (don’t all presidents?), but she also picked on the left and the media. It was a fair “roast”.

  3. Nothing she said struck me as outlandish, though I DID feel a twinge of too far on Sarah Huckabee. I mean, I have no love for the gal, but if one were to point out an overstep, it might be there. STILL, she is a big gal and should be able handle some jokes.

  4. Some of the jokes were a little off, but overall I found it pretty funny. Reminds me kind of of Carlin. Note - she is also on Seth Rogans Hilarity for Charity on Netflix (though it is a short set).




I don’t recognize that one. Is it from one of Morrissey’s solo albums?

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i’ll be honest that to me it sounded like the joke was about sander’s looks. and i had the immediate reaction of “why did you go there.”

it still seems to me, even after hearing wolf’s explanation and y’all’s points, there was ( oh geez ) heavy shade.

i think what stung the most though was all the simple truths she was saying. it reminded me of those awful sitcoms that keeping people cringing in their seats because the audience knows what’s happening but the characters - trump, sanders, and the press corp - just haven’t figured it out yet.

Not sure, could be.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Good ten-minute Max Blumenthal interview on the topic:


On purely technical merit she gets a 10, she got through her material with about as good a response as she could have hoped for given the audience, having found myself in a few situations where I felt it was my duty to call bullshit on the respectability of the proceedings I identified with her nervous energy, and whether voluntary or not, it served to highlight how hard it is to say true things to a room full of people who are either actively looking away from the truth or flat out lying.


About her looks? Why?

She said her eye shadow is perfect, not ugly or something negative. It was a joke about what SHS does, not what she looks like.


OMG, the word pussy, run for cover, mute it! /s

Fucking cowards.

Also, Wolf was almost as funny as Colbert, and twice as honest. Good on the audience members who laughed and participated in the call-and-response, though it was almost as amusing to watch the wet blankets squirm. I couldn’t decide whether Kellyanne Conway or Jake Tapper looked angrier.

Paging Doctor Streisand.

She always comes across as someone to whom public speaking doesn’t come naturally, though I imagine it’s even harder in front of what Chappelle aptly termed a lame fucking crowd than a live studio audience just glad to have free tickets.


How broke is the press corps?


Throwing shade at the correspondence dinner is what the host is supposed to do; it’s basically a roast.

The aspersions cast upon SHS were about her obvious lack of ethics, not her physical appearance… which, let’s be honest:

Sanders is not what’s considered “conventionally attractive” by our society’s standards. If Wolfe had wanted to actually attack Sanders on her looks, she had a lot of ‘obvious’ material to work with… but she didn’t “go there.”

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I had to watch it again; it was really good.

I think she knew exactly what she was doing, and she slid right into it like storming through a revolving door.

My favorite part was Sarah H. Sanders talking to the guy next to her (is this her husband?). If this were me being myself, the most helpful thing I could come up with is “What? It’s true!”

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in the tone, i heard it as a sort of sarcasm i guess. ( i don’t watch tv much, so i don’t know how perfect her makeup is.) calling attention to it in the context of calling attention to all the negative things the white house has done colors the praise. says that it’s not praise. that there’s something wrong with it.

i don’t feel like i have an agenda here to push. i’m just describing what i thought when i heard it.

as other people said the man at the top makes maligns people’s looks, skin color, background, religion, et al. and sander’s job is to excuse it. even if it were a joke about looks, they’re being awfully fragile about it.

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