Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/06/05/how-much-is-your-body-worth.html
I’d sell my poop, if a market for it comes about, everything else is a no go.
I’m told on Arakkis a person is likely as not to be murdered just for an eighth-share of their body’s water.
I think a lot of the price depends on whether you survive the extraction.
You’re selling your poop, right now.
My body’s free-range* and organic** so that should be worth an extra 10% in the supermarket, right?
* as subject to restriction by federal and state law
** although only in the sense that it contains carbon
Did you already have a price in mind?
Asking for a friend.
$500 bucks an hour.
The nuns taught me that my body is priceless.
You are Piss Harry and I claim my £5.
Oh God, I remember the podcast novel by Sean Kennedy (Rant Media) called the Afternow. In one episode his character mentions how to make money from bodies using the toilets since you get paid for your pooh in his dystopia (I won’t spoil the series but it gets really gross and weird at the same time).
Does it take place in the present Washington DC?
You can make up to $13,000 per year selling your poop to Open Biome.
I once met someone in Lexington who made their living selling used condoms to old dudes on CL. However much they made it was enough to afford life there.
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