How Pessimistic Are You Feeling?

Thanks. I’m new to BB, and am enjoying myself a lot.


I am simultaneously worried as fuck, pissed off enough to fight tooth & nail, and cold enough that I’m willing to fight dirty if it comes to it.

I can’t give in to pessimism lest it should overwhelm and consume me; I have a kid to live for, and I will “rage against the dying of the light” until there’s no light left.


Same here - long time lurker, new to cautious posting. :smiley:


I recently got checked out at a hospital for (thankfully harmless) chest pains. Apparently one of the symptoms of a heart attack is “a sense of impending doom.” I had a hard time answering that one since it basically describes my default state these days.


That’s dark, bro


Nah. The blue areas actually love him. He’s the great uniter – the most popular president ever. It’s just the media (FAKE NEWS) that’s misreporting everything to further their agenda.


So…libertarian socialism? I’m down. But how the hell do we make that happen?

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Without running afoul of other force multipliers used by the largest military on the planet, a military that is infested with Christian evangelists?


Oh, details.


That’s my daily attitude now. Occasionally, I think that such a hard swing to fascism could result in a hard swing back to something sane. But then I look at the news and that feeling quickly dissipates.

Before any of this insanity started I was already planning to leave the US. I’m still working toward that goal but with a bit more urgency since November.


So I’m with @bibliophile20, well almost anyway.

I think there’s a decent chance for a #Caliexit, in which case I think the US just plain falls apart, leaving at least three countries, but maybe more. In that event one of those countries will become an officially white nation with apartheid-like policies enacted with the intention of driving non-white people out of that country to the north, the east and the west (you can probably picture the map I have in my mind). That white nation is going to become a hellscape under authoritarian leadership and since it won’t be able to blame the non-white people within it will have to blame the people outside, leading to war with other former states, and maybe with Canada.

I think there’s a decent chance that there will be roundups and camps for Muslims. Probably more like Japanese internment camps than Nazi death camps, but that’s not a very comforting “could-be-worse.” In that case Canada will have more American refugees than it can handle - could be a million, and depending on how our own political near-future goes, that could mean refugee camps here that are hardly better than some of the internment camps in the US (maybe sometimes worse because of the cold weather).

I think there’s a decent chance that Democrats finally get on the states’ rights thing because they just don’t want to be ruled by Trump and the US dissolves into 50 countries in everything but name. This would be like my official dissolution scenario above, except that rather than the endgame being military expansionism from the old red states, it will just be horrible human misery and perhaps a refugee crisis from some states into others.

I think there’s a decent chance that at some point the US just started razing cities in the middle east. Just carpet bombing millions or tens of millions of people out of existence.

I’m also always worried that a small indigenous terrorist movement will start, leading to brutal oppression and internment of indigenous people, but I’ve regarded that as a real possibility for more than a decade under a number of different Canadian and US governments.

And the absolute best case scenario is that cops ramp up their for-no-reason killing of indigenous and of black Americans, that millions of people lose healthcare, that poor and minority areas have their public schools further eroded, that prisons keep filling up and that the opiate crisis kills another 100,000+ during Trump’s presidency (hell, maybe a million).

My five-year-old gets upset because we don’t let her play on the iPad by herself in her room. I worry a lot that her childhood is not preparing her for what her adult life will be like.


Walk me through that one because everything I’ve read on the scenario of California seceding seems to agree that it’s not gonna happen. Much as the Republicans and their ilk whine about California’s environmental regulations and Democratic fortitude, they damn well know that the U.S. economy would be worse off pretty boned without the state’s production and tax revenue.

Absolutely plausible. To me, far more so than a domestic Round-Up. Besides (as you also point out), we may have a frightening number of citizens willing to pursue that. This would allow the U.S. to use its military power to conduct genocide abroad.

This is getting heavy. I’m gonna make hot cocoa now.


This much…


Must be tea time.


A few of us are looking at an Underground Railway thing, similar to what we’ve done for war resistors. I’m just leaving that here, in ‘north cascadia’.


Where I live, city officials are unabashedly pro-immigration and I am so grateful for that, for reasons both selfless and selfish–the selfish reason being that it’ll be less dangerous for me to provide private sanctuary, should things come to that.

  • I’m being forced out of my job
  • had some health issues
  • need dental work
  • things are weird in the world

How pessimistic am I on a scale of 1-10?


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מה תשתוחחי ומה תהמי‎
בך יחסו עניי עמי‎
ונבנתה עיר על תלה


Well, after a day of reading about Bannon’s documentary films and beliefs, not too optimistic. Today is the first day where I started thinking ‘what exactly is my plan for surviving thermo-nuc warfare’.


Judging by that map of most likely targets for nuclear attack (shared on BB a couple weeks ago), I’d say whatever plans you have, make sure they happen in Montana or Wyoming.

ETA: Unless you’re also looking to avoid neo-Nazis. Montana apparently isn’t free of those.


We already have that, which is largely why indigenous armed resistance occurs. As well as the non-reactionary reasons of trying to do what is best for our continent.

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