How to bake bread that looks like your face

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Roll dough into a lumpy sphere, then punch repeatedly.


Hmm I bake my own bread and already have a life cast of my head and some spare RTV silicone, so I could actually do this quite easily without leaving my apartment. It might be a fun project. But I’d feel kind of weird making and eating an effigy of my head all by myself. And I am struggling to think who would want a creepy edible cast of my face.


I think soup bowls like these would be even better.


The Vegetarian Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party?


“This is delicious soup, what do you callAAAAAAAAAA!”


It’s encouraging that you specified that you have a life cast of your head. I might have thought it was a death mask and you are undead.


It’s the term of art to distinguish it from, say, a sculpture or digital model of my head (which I also have). But at this point I have only my own word for it that I didn’t die in February, so it’s useful to make occasional affirmations


And those face casts always look inside-out!

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Or, you could get facial reconstructive surgery to look like a regular bread. Then all the loaves can be yours!!


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Nooo! :pleading_face: I would starve, because that’s too cute to slice and eat. Just look at the trusting expression on that widdle face…:heart_eyes:

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How about baking some chicken skins to contour, adding spaghetti inside and peeled grapes in the eye sockets for a blindfold treat!

As a chef i used to make a lambs brain terrine and lined the baking tin with bacon…

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body face.”
—Matthew 26 min at 260ºF

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Would you eat a grumpy sarcastic bread instead?

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If you already have a pottery kiln in your apartment I suppose.

If you are planning more than just the “odd” use (megalomania or bread-based Westworld or …?) you might care to season the mold after firing:

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Yup. I’d tell everyone my place wasn’t big enough for the two of us - somebody had to go, and it wasn’t gonna be me! :hocho: :bread: :yum:

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Computer, enhance! Other computer, tickle the first one to make each of these (trollface) emoticons so I don’t look morbid. RasPi, you’re in charge of dimples and freckles and 2200 styled hairs per square inch I don’t actually have.

Terracotta, yeah! Gonna tile a bathroom in faces like that.

I meant I could make a silicone mold and use it directly in the oven. I use a glass “dutch oven” for baking bread as it is, so I don’t think the mold needs to be porous.

If it wasn’t good for bread, it’d definitely work as a cake mold, I’ve done that before. Not with my face, but with a model of the Wukoki pueblo