How to deliver a large package when a tall fence blocks your way

I think they got the delivery service they paid for… If you want someone to delicately handle your TV, and possibly bring it inside, and possibly install it… You buy a service that does that, as opposed to getting what was likely base insured FedEx delivery.


Here’s something that might be relevant: a year ago I was waiting for a FedEx package, but had to leave the house for something important. When I got back, I found a note saying it had been delivered to a local business that served as a pick-up point. I went there the next day, showed my slip and ID, and got my delivery, without trouble.

I don’t know if that was an option in that area, but it might have been a solution which would have allowed the driver to keep his on-time record and saved hassle all-around.


Less about the driver taking their frustration out, more about the driver being frustrated that they have a nearly-impossible schedule to keep and they’re being faced with a situation where they are either going to either get in trouble for failing to finish their route, or get in trouble for unauthorized overtime. The delivery person is taking a course of action that reflects the situation they are in.

We don’t know the guy’s situation, but we do know that FedEx and other residential logistics drivers are being worked to death. The instantaneous frustration of the presence of a locked gate and 6’ spiked fence doesn’t really matter, what matters is that this behavior is almost undoubtedly the product of working conditions that we shouldn’t allowing to happen in the first place.

As far as slipping it through the bars, that box is easily 8, if not 12 inches wide. The fence is meant to keep people out, and it’s pretty serious about it–cement base, spikes, and a locked gate, it’s not a decoration, it’s a barrier. The bars are likely no more than six inches apart.


Unless you’re talking like FedEx priority stuff where they will literally put it and a person in a van with nothing else and drive it to you, the thing you’re talking about doesn’t exist. The last leg is almost always going to be carried out by the same drivers and trucks that’d show up with “base insured FedEx delivery” and those people are overworked and underpaid too.

I just don’t understand how any of that is relevant here though. “they got what they paid for, if they wanted better delivery, they should’ve paid more money” makes no sense here. If they wanted better delivery, they should have left their gate open.


Perhaps even a bush with the greenery waving there. And it was a gentle toss.
:+1::+1: for Fedex guy!


I mean, I don’t live in a gated home - but the last TV I purchased, I had to wait for the delivery, and they brought the TV inside, kind of like you would for a refrigerator or other appliance… So I don’t know why you would buy something delicate and have it delivered with your normal bulk delivery truck.

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…to save money!!! Free shipping! Super-bargain on the impulse-buy I found surfing the intertubes while I was supposed to be working!


Then again, he could have surveyed the scene first, never unloaded the box at all, and simply taken back to the distribution center to be picked up later. Everyone wins, including: him, his job, the box, the seller, the customer, and, potentially, any little mammalian life forms that may have been roaming around in the grass on the receiving end of that toss. Whoa!

A decorative fountain… a toddler… poodles seem springy.

(I kid, I like dogs. Don’t drop TVs on dogs. Toddlers either, I guess.)



Serious question for any knowledgeable people: it “just taking it back” to the distribution center seriously a viable option for the guy? Would his supervisors accept that he was blocked by the fence?

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large package



I’m not sure why he threw it completely over, when there are those handy spikes to impale the package upon.

Right in the HDMI port… :grimacing:


I thought his technique was flawless. You just don’t see two handed dunks like that anymore.

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I used to live in a second story apartment. Rather than climb the stairs, knock on the door, discover I wasn’t home, and drop the package off with the apartment manager, delivery folks would just fling the stuff up to my second story balcony, sometimes in the rain, sometimes when I was home.

Camera equipment, laser discs, electronics. Surprisingly, nothing was ever damaged.


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