HOW TO do this and that in BBS

I’ve started using the “@ username” in-line trick to reply to multiples when not quoting. It does notify people that you’ve responded, and it definitely saves on posting.

Spoiler tags look like this.

Found out from @WearySky (on the Marvel topic) that spoiler tags can be done using [spoiler] plus the accompanying closing tag. (Note: this tag does not require a closing tag so, if providing multiple spoilers, you have to close each tag or all text within will blur.)

Safari does provide spellcheck. :wink:

EDIT: removed quote information as it was posted above.


Is there a simple way to filter out a single category? I occasionally like to look at the BBS without the Boing category, to see what else is being discussed, but at the moment that involves logging in, going to the category, muting it, going back to the Latest page, reading it, and then visiting the category again to unmute it because I don’t want to read the BBS that way all the time.

You can view just one category, but you can’t select multiple and omit one.

Directly under “bbs” in the menu at the top of the page is “all categories”, which is the standard preset for viewing. Click it to open a pull-down and then you can select any one category to view. Since they don’t currently have radio buttons on the pull down - which would allow multiple selections - right now it’s an “all or one” choice.

So that’s a no then.

Well, you can limit to viewing just one category, and I’ve found that to be helpful.

this is a good idea. I also want this.

How do we add Polls?

I’m pretty sure I’ve managed to do that… no idea how tho’.
:wink: …hmm

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Yes. @codinghorror is winning that battle through design. And right on him for it.


There is a sample explanatory poll on and you can play with it there as well.

This is basic stuff, but so it stays linked -
I’m copying this formatting note I wrote over from I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF THE “h1” TAG

(The h1 tag is normally done in angle brackets <>. It’s a headline tag to adjust text size. There’s also an h2 and h3 tag. I don’t know a shortcut for the h2 or h3 tags.)

#H1 Shortcut.
If you love them, make life easy. Just start your line with a hashtag.

  • Want an indented bullet?
    Just start your line with a dash and a space.
    The rest will continue as though you tabbed over.
    You can keep hitting return, and it will stay indented.

Hit return twice to release the indent.


nice. didn’t realize it stayed indented until 2xreturn :^)

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OMG, that’s me, like, all the time - I say I’m sorry for everything, ESPECIALLY when it’s not my fault. Maybe I’m secretly Canadian and don’t know it (not the label, Americas hat, I mean).



H2 is two hashes, H3 is three



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How do I get back to the main BoingBoing blog site from the BBS pages on a mobile browser? All the links point to

The back button? Does your mobile browser have a back button?

There are also links to the articles in the first post of the associated discussion topic so you could scroll to top (tap on the progress navigator in the bottom right) and then tap the link to the article.

That’s no good if yo’ve opened the discussion in a separate tab which will have no history to go back to.

Also, if you’re more than a couple of pages deep into the discussion topics, going ‘back’ is tedious at best.

But that only takes you to the article itself. You still need to find your way back to the news feed.

This is a basic problem with a basic solution: add a ‘Home’ button.

Except… for me, “home” is the bbs. I don’t visit the “main” site.


You’re weird.