Originally published at: How to drum like Charlie Watts | Boing Boing
Step 1: Be awesome.
I can’t say I ever really noticed this, but something tells me I’ll no longer be able to not notice it in the future. Pretty neat.
Yeah, same here! Once I had it explained to me and saw it in the video, my ears are totally alive to the phenomenon
It’s going to be like that arrow hidden in the FedEx logo, isn’t it. Once you see it…
Step 2: Be Charlie Watts (also see Step 1)
The trouble with the video is it is for drummers. Would have been far more effective for the rest of us if he’d first shown us what this is different from, so we could better appreciate the difference.
Sly Dunbar cited Charlie Watts as an influence, and noted that he played slightly behind the beat, which I had never noticed until Sly pointed it out. (I remember I had to think about it, “how does one play behind the beat, particularly if you’re the one who counts out the song at the intro??”)
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