Originally published at: How to prepare gogl-mogl, a Jewish cold remedy for the ages - Boing Boing
Does it relieve cold symptoms though?
Couldn’t hurt.
I think they drink about 800 of them in the movie version of Nabokov’s Despair.
I always recommend hot tea with honey and lemon for cough and cold (and echinacea tea is my go-to) for symptomatic cold relief, which even has a bit of science behind it.
I could see this being in that same vein. Works as well as any OTC meds, which is a very low bar, and is essentially side-effect free and pretty cheap. So, win-win-win. If it was my kid, I might pass on the boozy versions, though!
Great Gogly-Mogly! Is Homer Simpson Jewish?
I think Xander used the term in at least one episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as well.
These were common in my house as a child, and rather delicious as I recall. I only recall them being hot milk with a lot of honey; my family was always been a bit iffy about eggs in drinks.
Huh, I thought it was Frank Zappa
Yeah, viscous drinks are not my bag, either. Especially when over sweetened like Puerto Rican Coquito. Save the sweetened, condensed milk and just give me the rum, please.
There is a new version with Kansas City’s coach Andy Reid for Allstate Insurance. Same Goggly moggly line.
From the name I would have pegged it as a Klingon cold remedy. But if it were a Klingon medication, it would be 1000% NOT Kosher.
Honestly, this sounds like the worst thing for a cold.
It is basically a big glass of phlegm.
I would go with a hot lemon drink, or a SE Asian hot/sour soup with lots of lime, garlic and chilli.
Also name-checked in Evolution (2001):
Not long after that the same character says “Mazel tov, it’s a boy”.
My most beloved wife, of Ashkenazi descent, had also not heard of it, but it’s definitely there in The Encyclopedia of Jewish Food.
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