Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/07/30/how-wednesday-addams-got-her-n.html
very cool!
Cool! Both the choice of name, and that Charles Addams sounds like a nice guy.
I saw an old interview in which he said the son’s name was supposed to be Pubert, but the network censors nixxed it.
For those not familiar with the nursery rhyme: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monday's_Child
This - I’d always assumed that this was the obvious source, but I’m an old.
I was trying to work out how Solomon Grundy getting married was appropriate? But then I am Friday’s Child, “As dense as a plank”.
I realized that i know very little about the cartoonist and the history of the Addams family. In the process of reading up on his wiki
Obligatory viewing: Melissa Hunter’s absolutely brilliant “Adult Wednesday Addams” youtube series. Sadly it was cut short in its prime by copyright trolls, but all the episodes that got made are still on Youtube as uploaded by various fans.
When they made the Addams Family movies, they used it as the name of the family’s new baby, so at least it finally saw the light of day.
I howled with laughter at the “Is there a God” line.
That is great, thanks for the pointer. The only trick they missed was in the “phone test” that Wednesday mimed holding the phone in one hand, rather than using an old style one.
“What are you studying?”
You beat me to it.
Charles Addams had a well-earned reputation as a ladies man (http://articles.latimes.com/2006/oct/29/books/bk-park29). I suspect he took this despondent woman out not only to cheer her up but to get her into bed but then I have a dirty, dirty, mind.

I suspect he took this despondent woman out not only to cheer her up but to get her into bed but then I have a dirty, dirty, mind.
Either that or you’re a realist, especially knowing the era Addams is from i can’t say i’m surprised. Roald Dahl also had a similar reputation, James Bond and his womanizing ways is based on him
This is a fun story, and I almost hate to poke at it. But memory is a truly funny thing, and an uncorroborated story from 50 years ago and at a time when the teller admits to being under considerable emotional stress is not conclusive.
I admit to having recently been personally disappointed recently by a really delightful old story that fell apart under investigation. My faith in a good story as anything other than that is shaken.

Roald Dahl also had a similar reputation, James Bond and his womanizing ways is based on him
Well, no. As your link says, Dahl’s personal style was not unlike Bond’s, as detailed in a new book on Dahl. Said behavior, as you yourself pointed out, was not terribly unusual at the time, and Bond’s may be based on the adventures of Ian Fleming. However, there is no shortage of candidates. Bond was so instantly iconic of war-time masculinity that everyone recognized somebody in him.
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