How will Sarah Palin fund her lavish lifestyle as her PAC cash dwindles?

This’ll take us just a smidge off topic, but while I agree with your overall sentiment about the general decline of TLC and the heinousness of most of the shows you listed, Little People Big World is actually a pretty great and un-sensational show. And it’s rather sorely needed in a culture where “midgets” (actually a pretty offensive term) are still the butt of an easy joke for a lot of people, even people who consider themselves pretty cultured. The show pretty much lets the family speak for themselves, and just kinda live their lives. The ADD and general wackiness of the dad, plus the day to day of the family is the focus, they just happen to be LPs. Any of the clearly scripted drama is pretty innocuous, and whenever LP issues are the focus they’re handled pretty sensitively and are, actually, educational.

[ETA: game idea! how many times do you think you can squeeze the word “pretty” into a single comment…]


It seems like there’s some overlap here. I never watched it, but it seems like the Duggars’ show was a pedo pageant, and there were probably some overpriced wedding dresses in there.

Meanwhile I suspect the one thing Team Palin is doing well is furiously scrubbing the records of any association with the Duggar family she might have had.

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Oh, a girl can dream! :wink:


Every word of your post is spot-on.

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Hey, I’ve gotta stick up for my cousin here…he or I would go back to the French speaking part anyway, so you can stuff your oot and aboot!

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That’s good to know. I would never have chosen to watch that show, because I would have assumed it was the usual TLC fare, so it’s nice to learn that their programming choices are not all bad after all.


Yeah, well I bet this Usian speaks French better than you do, and I played hockey just last night. Plus, I’m a short drive from ‘South Detroit’. I’ll be there in less than an hour, eh? [Besides, no one from Ontario can figure out that I’m not from Ontario. Thanks, Minnesota up-brinig!]


The real question is: do you say “uff da”?

(Confuses the heck out of people, since I’m obviously not of Scandinavian descent!)

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You people aren’t thinking big enough - her next step should be a season of Wife Swap with Vladimir Putin.


My initial reaction to the question is, “Who cares?” I’ve got plenty of people in my own life who are struggling to make ends meet who aren’t obnoxious celebrity wannabes pretending to be politicians. As witness her daughter Bristol’s recent “oops, I did it again” announcement, she’s managed to pass her rampant, unapologetic hypocrisy to the next generation. She may or may not have squirreled away some of that cash against her eventual loss of celebrity; I really don’t care any more.


Her glasses frames run ~$400 without lenses, so she’ll need to start saving up.

I don’t live far from that crew.

A film (video, yeah, whatever) crew once shot a segment in my old apartment complex, showing the family’s boys going apartment hunting.

Once stood in line behind the dad at the Fred Meyer customer service counter while he bought maybe 20 gift cards. Holiday presents?

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Rarely. It’s pretty much my only tell in Canuckistani.

@nothingfuture: An “affordable” frame that doesn’t look like somebody crapped all over your face runs $250-300 without lenses. I’ve paid $400 for frames a couple times, it’s easy to do even if you’re not soaking in other people’s money. There’s a lot of available info to criticize with Palin, picking on her glasses is kinda losing the forest for the trees.


I am aware of how expensive glasses can be.
I was making reference to @chgoliz’s comment that she might need new eyeglasses to better read the teleprompter.

I am also aware of what a ridiculous spectacle she is, and you’re right- the glasses are the least of her problems.


Can confirm. Without insurance my glasses ran $900. Then again heavy prescription. I’m talking literal cokebottle thickness if they were made out of glass.

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Do you mean when @kupfernigk said that?

herp-derp. yes.


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Crazy and not also making gold out of straw (e.g. for rumplestiltscoup, there) both. My guess is that she’ll raise mushrooms and make fish & game infrastructure (suburban water table runs, deer parkour setpieces, etc.) for the healthcare that her doctor assures her is magically not from Obamabaaracksland. Maybe she has the peeps to help get licensed raising lizards for lizard boots and such accessories. Agarica!

I upvoted this - but then I thought “What has Vladimir Vladimirovitch done to deserve Palin?”

If I understand the article issues correctly, Palin blowing the money on personal gain instead of, you know, actually on political influence for her party’s agenda is somehow a bad thing?