Originally published at: Hundreds of NYC residents calling city to complain about noisy "sex mayhem" | Boing Boing

Sex Mob
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Originally published at: Hundreds of NYC residents calling city to complain about noisy "sex mayhem" | Boing Boing
I’m blushing, over here.
Staten Island; the defeated middle-aged suburbs of NYC.
Sounds to me like some people’s quality of life is just fine.
You’ll have to take matters into your own hands…
“Sex Mayhem” has got to be the name of a punk band, right? Right?
May all of us who are interested live lives blessed by sex mayhem.
“sex mayhem”
I’d claim it as a band name but someone has to have snagged it already.
“Our officers would also like to thank the community for all the tips on where to find hot orgy parties in town.”
I read the headline as referring to hundreds of complaints about a single incident.
I’m a little disappointed.
How is sex mayhem dot com not already taken?
The numbers seem low to me. I mean it’s NYC after all.
Perhaps a case of premature evacuation?
“Our officers would also like to thank the community for all the tips on where to find hot orgy parties in town.”
I’d claim it as a band name but someone has to have snagged it already.
Ohhhhh. . . so close. . . .
Explore the discography of Sex Mob. Shop for vinyl, CDs, and more from Sex Mob on Discogs.
What do I do with it now?
“We’re here about a noise complaint… and it’s our duty to inform you that you have the right to remain sexy.”