I am pre-ordering 'Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League'

Ordered! And while I don’t have a nifty Blue Blaze Irregular cap, I do have the poster for the movie!


The Marvel film series is a lot like the original Buckaroo Banzai

If anything BB was ahead of its time

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Edgar Wright!

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I had considered him, too, before settling on his collaborator Joe Cornish as my candidate because Joe’s humour is a bit more surreal, which would work better for Buckaroo Banzaii IMO. But Edgar Wright would definitely be a good choice as well.

Is it a movie, a game or a new flavour of Doritos?

I meant: The original BB had so many loose threads and unexplained actions. It was like 5 movies smashed into one. That’s a lot of its appeal to me. It left so much room for interpretation, rather than explaining every detail. It allowed for a universe that just… existed.


Yeah, it’s the in media res aspect that I love about it. It acts as though of course the viewer is intimately familiar with the backstories and arcana of this universe, because what informed person has never heard of Buckaroo Banzai and the Hong Kong Cavaliers, right? It doesn’t even try to catch the viewer up, making viewing an active process, and lending every detail a delicious sense of exploration and interpretation, while still having an intelligible story. Just brilliant storytelling.


Well I got better…

Damn, now THAT is a movie poster! I might need to try to find a print of this, holy cow that’s radical! Thanks for posting!

Edit: If anyone is looking for it, I found a relatively decent jpg of it here:


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