I can't wait for Kellyanne Conway to spin the latest accusations of sexual abuse by Trump

I never had any bad reactions to the demon-possessed trump pictures or the mouths-for-eyes trump pictures, but every time I see that grabby trump picture, I jump a little bit and quickly scroll past it.

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She’s just so bad at her job.


Norman, coordinate!


I haven’t yet heard a plausible explanation of how they would do such a thing, let alone why.

If the Clinton campaign knew about the footage there wouldn’t be any reason to hide it. They could just say “look, here’s some footage we found of Donald Trump bragging about sexual assault!” No need for any back room cloak-and-dagger stuff.

Besides, it’s not like this is the first damning scandal to come out about Trump this campaign. I’m not even sure that tape is the most damning scandal to come out about Trump from the last week—what about how he just doubled-down on wanting to execute the long-exonerated Central Park Five?


What @Towlemonkey and @somedude said. I blame her. She’s white, well-educated, and not un-wealthy, not exactly disenfranchised and this is the only gig she could get. She is choosing to do this. I’ve noticed no guns to her head during any TV appearances.


And, as someone else pointed out in a different thread, they’d have a reason to want this to come out earlier: Discovery.

All it would take is one lawsuit against Trump, and nearly all of his dirty laundry would be aired out in public.

With less than a month left, there’s barely time for a lawsuit to be filed, let alone make it to the Discovery phase.


You’re probably right. I just don’t want to have to wait until 2017 for another season of House of Cards.

The only good thing to come out of this is that nobody is talking about his taxes anymore.

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I’m still catching up on the last season and it’s been striking me how restrained and civil the Presidential campaign is in the TV show compared to the one taking place in real life.


I guess we’ll know November 9!

If they did, then it is truly a remarkable achievement in politics. It would be the political equivalent of the heist plot of Ocean’s 11, but in a blizzard with most of the protagonists blindfolded and/or with their hands tied behind their back.


And anyone who could pull that off would make an excellent president.

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Bill Clinton is not running for president this time.


It would require them to be in communication with an NBC employee.

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