…get crackin’!
…get crackin’!
Better that than gentleman’s sausage.
More importantly, can we get Donald Trump to pay for it?
I expect clicking, whirring, and a webcam. Whether or not it gets opened is secondary. (I can sit and watch it spin for months with beer, cheese, and crackers.) That’s months Rob.
as mesmerizing as the dissolving blue dots here
Oh f’ off @miasm. I was going for a triplet, for the sake of filling out the sentence, and wanted to stay away from sausage, or salami. Are you happy now?
(Actually I’d be quite happy with either of those as well.)
Branston Pickle.
“Exactly. Exactly. Well put, the young American gentleman. Great Cthulhu will gobble the world up like a ploughman’s lunch, leaving but only the lump of Branston pickle on the side of the plate.”
I was going to raise money by selling
#Make BoingBoing wait again.
Exclusive leaked image of commentor testing out the Make BoingBoing Wait Again™ hat while waiting for Rob to open the safe.
I vaguely recall the ironically named movie Turkish Delight. Makes me wonder if the contents of the safe are a memory book with “souvenirs” taped inside.
(I know, I know, Rob says the safe came with the house but I’ve learned to take what Rob says with a grain (or pound of grains) of salt…)
It was based on a pretty dark novel called Turks fruit by the Durch artist Jan Wolkers.
why are there eyes? I demand more photoshopping and mouths instead of eyes.
I agree. It’s creepy and disturbing. Can we go back to the bleeding orifices instead please.
Actually looks better.
Yeah, it evens out his orange skin tone. No more pasty white eye patches…