Originally published at: I love Dirty Girls | Boing Boing
Well, I am sure glad that you clarified your header. Whew.
Ah, the Creepshow fans start so young these days…
Buried in the Youtube description is a link to a 2013 follow-up with the young women who are the focus of this film:
I love dirty girls too. We’re all Dog’s little children
Interesting interview. This quote from one of the women on her family’s wealth adds an interest class perspective to things:
" Amber:…Some of the family assets are held with an investment firm, so I work very closely with the vice president of that firm… today, I work with the family business. We manufacture a shatter-proof wine glass. It looks like crystal, but it bounces. Our family is very entrepreneurial. We do that, and we also have some real estate. I basically flipped one of Lucille Ball’s first homes in Palm Springs and turned it into an event space."
Every white kid you see in that film, including the Dirty Girls, comes from some degree of serious wealth and privilege. That was and still is one of the most expensive private schools in the country. There are several ways one can look at the conflicts in that story, but “richies vs. poors” is not one of them.
You know who else loved dirty girls. . .
I enjoyed watching that.
It looked like the criticizers and haters knew a lot less about the Dirty Girls than the Dirty Girls knew about them.
I love all dirty kids! Whether it is mud or motor oil or grime or dust… means they have been doing something worth doing.
I worry about the clean ones…
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