Originally published at: I think the people who name paint colors have just given up this year | Boing Boing
That’s your first mistake right there
mauve along, nothing to see here
Ochre. An ugly name, and a drab color.
Puce. Nobody knows what it is.
the color of dried blood, associated with flea bites
(Bland brown-grey.)
You need Ken Nordine instead of Home Depot
my favorite liquor. My best friends call it cough syrup. I can’t entirely disagree. Highly recommend a dash of it in hot chocolate!
Everyone enjoys actual color names – ultramarine, cœrulean, phthalo blue – but I think the OP was talking about the names paint companies make up, like “Elephant’s Gaze” or “Brunch Wind” or “Touch of Brimley”.

A boy in an orange apron
Disappointingly unspecific. Not even a Pantone code.
I worked as a printer for a while and still have nightmares about Pantone 123.

An ugly name, and a drab color.
Back in my uni days, a friend went through a series of boyfriends who came out to her, then broke up with her to find a boyfriend. She supported them coming out, but found it frustrating that she kept losing boyfriends. “That’s it!” she announced one day “I’m going to start screening potential boyfriends with this: I’ll point to my shoes and say ‘would these look better in taupe?’ The correct answer is ‘What’s a taupe?’ If they know it’s a colour, and have an opinion about it, we’re going to make fine friends but that’s all.”
Green Chartreuse is my favourite tipple too! …not sure I’d put it in hot chocolate, but hell, it’s a good thing we’re not all mad the one way.
This may seem tangential, but I’ve just been reading to my wife a book called “Saffy’s Angel” by Hilary McKay. We were helpless with laughter. I mention this because Saffy is short for Saffron, who has cousins (adopted siblings) called Caddy (Cadmium [yellow]), Indigo, and (Permanent) Rose. In the first chapter, the health visitor asks “Why is this child covered in Yellow Ochre?” to which Caddy replies “She wanted the Chinese White.” I think Chinese White contains lead, so that’s perfectly reasonable… Anyway. I commend this book, and its sequels, to you.

‘What’s a taupe?’
A French-speaking mole, since no-one was asking.

I think Chinese White contains lead, so that’s perfectly reasonable
Cannot recommend realgar or orpiment. 2/10.