Ice cream cones have orgy in Bill Nye's cartoon that criticizes Christian dogma

It does when it’s projected on a big screen in front of a live studio audience, as in this video.


Wow, how did I not notice them?

I thought the cartoon was funny and agree with it and would probably like Nye’s show, but:

I’ve read, and I think it makes sense, that what really has made LGBTQ orientation more acceptable over the last few decades – to the point where pretty amazingly a majority of Americans are fine with marriage equality – is TV. TV characters on comedy and drama shows, being people. (And for the kids . . . Steven Universe et al.)

We need more of that, not in-your-face stuff that stiffens the reserve of the remaining troglodytes.


I may have agreed with this statement 10 years ago. The “Make America Great Again” campaign is an indicator of not just wanting to maintain status quo but to regress.

Real question: Is it because the right took longer to adopt technology/social media and are now just catching up and organizing? Heck, Obama was the first president that used a smartphone. Our current president can’t stop using a smartphone.


I don’t know it’s exact location in ice cream space off the top of my head. I’d have to solve for it. I know all the green stuff is on the negative strawberry axis.


“Generally conservatives want to be left the fuck alone.”

If this were the case I would be ecstatic. Do you know in how many states you can get fired for being gay? 28. Do you realize that the republican party advocated gay conversion therapy (read: torture of kids until they pretend to be straight) in their platform? I am represented by a congressman who does “not construe homosexual rights to be the same as human rights”, i.e. he doesn’t think I’m human.

In my experience, just being left alone is the dearest dream of the LGBTQ and other marginalized communities. It is the conservatives who insist we need to conform to their world view.


Never mind the deeper message. Ice cream!


Sirius is one I haven’t read yet, but it’s been on my list for a while.

At the prompting of this discussion, though, I note that his book are PD in Australia, with ebooks readily available, so I’ll probably be starting that one soon,

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The monsters!

Whats next, peas in my potatoes?


It actually is the case. They do want to be left alone. They don’t, however, understand leaving others alone.

That’s conservatism’s fatal flaw, in my opinion. I want to be left alone (as much as possible), but I don’t mind (and in fact prefer) leaving others alone too.


I get where you’re coming from. I am so tired of trying to explain why marginalized people deserve equal consideration under the law.

But I think that what @Mister44 and @falcon2001 (and please forgive me if I have misinterpreted) was driving at is the difference between maintaining existing world views and winning people over to new ones.

Conservatives have the easier position of defending old or established norms or mores as opposed to gaining acceptance for more progressive views.

So it seems to me that consevatives see themselves as defending what is, and liberals as trying to overthrow the establishment.


I want some NOW.

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Well that’s a bit like saying that Communism is about rounding people up and sending them to forced labour camps in Siberia; I’m pretty sure that’s not dogma or doctrine either. Functionally, the problem is always the omission of the word “some” as a qualifying adjective. So, for instance, I can’t think of a single member of my local church who is involved in right-wing politics or espouses hate. I guess none of us are Christians then?

As @dreamrnj illustrates, the empty slogan “leave me the fuck alone” does not illuminate or resolve any of the conflicts we find in the real world.

Anybody bigger than me is a fucking despot whose authority is illegitimate and who should leave me the fuck alone!

Anybody smaller than me should shut the fuck up and do what I fucking tell them! If they don’t like it they can go the fuck away and leave me the fuck alone!


@Boundegar - Thank you so much for putting that in perspective. You’ve sent my mind down many new paths to explore. :slight_smile:

@cjporkchop - Awesome links! I’m going to have my hands full picking all this apart and talking with some scholarly friends who are still part of the faith.

Also, I wanted to appreciate how amazing BoingBoing is, that I can ask for clarification on such a hot button issue, and receive only fervent, helpful replies. Love y’all.



I also found this site to be very informative:

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Science teaches you how to fly.
Hope flies you to the moon.
Fear flies you into buildings.


Bill Nye! Thanks for Bringing all sides together! I’m sure this helps convert the judgmental! Way to go! If only the religious fundamentalists understood how ice cream flavors worked! Jackass is playing the game. Loved him but hate him now. Bill Nye the $$$$$ guy! Bill Nye the “I’m the cool” guy.

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