ICE uses Facebook's backend to hunt their prey, with help from Palantir

Ok, post updated.

Actually the updated correction exonerates the author:

Due to errors by editor Ryan Grim, this story and its headline originally reported that the investigation referred to in the ICE emails targeted an immigrant. The story as filed did not include those errors, or any others.

Kieth Richards?

Yep, looks like Iā€™m also guilty of jumping to conclusions based on existing views and incomplete evidence.

I still think the story, even pre-editing screw up, was misleading. There was no effort to explain that Homeland Security Investigations handles much of the child exploitation and human trafficking work. The agency itself shares some of the responsibility there, since it does little to dispel the notion that its sole purpose is deporting people, but reporters know what people will think when they see something about ICE.

Concerns over Facebook and Google providing too much information to the government are valid and need to be addressed, but not by whipping people up into a frenzy by misrepresenting reasonable law enforcement work.


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