Idaho Lawmaker Tries to Ban mRNA Vaccines—Except for Animals

Idaho Lawmaker Tries to Ban mRNA Vaccines—Except for Animals

An Idaho lawmaker introduced a bill last month that would ban the use of mRNA vaccines like the ones that scientists say have saved untold lives from COVID. On Friday, Sen. Tammy Nichols introduced a nearly identical bill with one important difference: non-human mammals would be exempted in a sop to agricultural interests, the Idaho Statesman reported. That’s right—a doctor who wanted to protect a human with a vaccine produced through mRNA technology would not be allowed to do it; but a farmer who wanted to protect a cow could get it. Statesman columnist Bryan Clark said the bill showed how the Legislature had devolved into an “utter clown show.”

(normally don’t make use of the “wrath” flare. but this one really irks a biochemist who worked for many years in hopes of discovering new medical treatments. and besides, humans is animals!)


Idaho (my neighbor across the border to the east), was insane, is currently insane, and WILL become more insane as time goes on.

North Idaho College is about to become a victim of a orchestrated conservative plan to loose accreditation, the state is working actively to get eastern Oregon to join, and all the white supremacists are returning (or coming out of the hills) to Bonner County a couple decades after groups worked so hard to close them down… it sucks.


Expecting to be ninja’d by many, but can’t resist.


Maybe this could be a good thing, you know, the “ivermectin effect.” :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


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