Idaho mile marker 420 replaced with 419.9

419.9 sounds like what the really really cool kids are doing.

420 . Meh.


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It may also be a code for substandard weed.


The mile markers aren’t just there for people calling in breakdowns or figuring out how far they are from the next exit, they are critical reference points for the countless people who maintain the country’s infrastructure. As in “today our crew is assigned to clean up litter between mile 379 and 380” or “there’s a downed power line on the northbound side of the highway about .3 miles past marker 148” or “this month we’ll be resurfacing the eastbound stretch between 120 and 125.”

I understand they aren’t useless. I just thought there was a way that could solve this problem that would work better and still be functional. Like painting the numbers on a simple poll or Stenciling them onto the Macadam.

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Stoner Park meet Bong Recreation Area.
I imagine that these ones evolved to be larger over the years…
(The park should have been placed 80 miles down the road.)

I don’t think that they even have a sign on the Bong Bridge:

It’s doubly funny because it is a Dick Bong

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That would be named after the famous WWII pilot Dick Bong.
I always felt like that guy should have a water park named after him.


My hometown hero…

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